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Class 47 circa 1977 conversion to DCC


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I am trying to convert a Class 47 loco from the 1977 Jubilee train set R684 to dcc using a Hornby R8249 decoder. The loco reference number may be R075 which does not have any Service or maintenance sheets that I can find. The dcc conversion does not look too difficult however the loco has two live wheels/axles on the power bogie that I assume MUST be insulated for the decoder connections to the motor to be the only power source.

I need advice regarding which wheel set to order to replace the existing wheels and axles. I have tried Hornby X6023, the replacement wheel set for Ringfield 3 pole Motors X941 & 942, but these wheels also have live axles.

Can anyone help?

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I think I used x936 wheels on my 37 or 56, which although for the dummy bogie have gears as shown on the 94A service sheet but not so clearly on the 105 service sheet,  so can be used to replace the tyred wheels on the motor bogie.


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Thanks for the rapid feedback, and the info.

Chris, thanks for Service Sheet 94A which seems to indicate that my loco is not an R075. The motor in my loco is not the one in 94A but is illustrated in Service Sheet 94.

RAF96, thanks for suggestion re: x936 wheel, I will investigate.

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The SS 94A (1978) did say look at SS 94 for the older model version of the R075. This fits with your statement that the model is circa 1977. So it may possibly still be a R.075 just an earlier version. In general, the Service Sheets can (in my experience) only be relied upon as being a guide. They don't always show up-to-date R.nnn model numbers on them as there may be mismatches in loco manufacturing and service sheet publishing dates. The main thing is that you have recognised your loco on SS 94.

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I’ve never before come across the need to change wheels to convert a ringfield loco to DCC.  What can be an issue is isolating the left hand motor brush from the chassis (may well be the same issue said differently). 


This is is not always the case, there are 3 different ringfields with different methods of conversion.  Google Brian Lambert, go to his DCC pages and look up the 3 different types to see which is yours and how to convert it.

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My suggestion to change wheels was to get shot of the tyred wheels in favour of solid ones, then you can think about adding extra pickups to that side for more reliable running.


As you say the secret with converting ringfield motors is to ensure isolation twixt motor brushes and track usually complicated by a live motor housing feeding one side of the motor brushes.



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