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I bought an Elite of ebay but could not test it straight away  now i can i find so parts are not working , ok i was stupid not to test or get it tested straight away , but now i need to get it repaired , the on off switch does not work , it wont change loco call u codes it works with them on the default 003 , so do i send it to hornby or is there some were else i should send it to to get it repaired , thanks in advance 

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The Elite does not have an on/off switch, the on/off switch next to the big red stop switch is for something different, do you have the manual to follow for programming locos if not you can download it from Hornby downloads web site.

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it call up codes tried the 001 as manual states and various other numbers and the light only flashes 3  sometimes 4 times not the 5 manual states i have a select that i have checked the decoders with , needed the Elite as the select is not NMRA compatable

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The button marked On/Off is not actually an on/off switch, it is for refuelling Sapphire decors.


We need to know exactly what does work and what doesnt work and if not how are you doing that task.


Hornby is likely to tell you it is unrepairable as it was second hand and may have been abused, hence why it was sold on.


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will i still need the elite in the system when using the elink


The easy answer is NO..........you can only have ONE DCC controller connected to the track any one time, not TWO. You can however use an Elite as a loco controller on the track AND an eLink controller dedicatedly connected just to Accessory Decoders to operate points and accessories. But in general, if you have an eLink, you do not NEED the Elite. However, if you can get the Elite working, it makes a much better controller system when used with RailMaster than the eLink does.

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Before you attempt repairs, you might tell us more about what you think is faulty and what exactly you’ve done to reach that conclusion so we can confirm for you that it is really not working.  As an example, when trying to program loco addresses, have you disconnected the layout and had only a spotlessly clean programming track connected?


You might also want to check it’s firmware status, starting by telling us the numbers that appear on screen when you first turn it on.  Then Chris will give you a link to the full upgrade instructions if needed.

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when powered up the green light flashes a couple of times then HORNBY and Standard bellow that then a black bar flashes across the top of the screen and HORNBY DCC 1.14 the next page has  train in a small black strip on the top left under that the clockand far right which control is being used 1 or 2 under that ooo3 and then the direction arrowand half moon speed to programe

press menu shows LOCO 



Click 1


click 1 



ADDRESS Adr=0003 

What ever number yo select the red light gives a very short flash a long one and clicks  another very short and then a long one and clicks again but the it then shows ADDRESS AGAIN AND GOES THROUGH THE SAME SEQUENCE 

the loco will not run on thre selected address but will as soon as 0003 is selected 

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That’s a start mix.


do you really mean the first number shown is 1.14, not 1.41?  If so, your firmware is so way out of date it isn’t funny and not surprising the thing is not working correctly.  I’m sure Chris will turn up with the update instructions soon.  If it is actually showing 1.41, that is a functional firmware status (the first version of firmware that does actually work well) but update would still be advisable.


And you haven’t said whether you are using a programming track connected to the programming outputs of the Elite to try to change loco ID?  With nothing else connected.  It is not like the Select where there is no separate programming output.  The fact it continues to work on 03 after you try is just telling you the ID wasn’t changed when you tried.

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Thanks Fishmanoz you just showed what i was doing wrong been that use to using a select i tried to use the Elite in the same way as soon as i saw your last post the penny dropped and im sitting thinking you bloody fool mixa so thankyou again 

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Now you kind folks have put me right i just need to program the chipped locos i have and get another dozen chips , just one more question which do you guys recomend as i have only used Hornbys R8249 is that ok or should i look at another 

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Glad we could help.


The 8249 is a basic decoder with capabilities matched to the Select.  More CVs can be adjusted on more advanced decoders, Sapphire is an example but there are lots of other brands.  Check out the Elite menu system to see what else you might want to change and what other decoder might do it.  The other reason for other decoders is current capability which will be relevant for older locos.  The 8249 will only handle 500mA, others run to an Amp.


Also, download the latest Elite manual from this site. If it came with a hard copy manual, it is likely to be for earlier firmware. 

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Given that you said you also have RailMaster & eLink


Now that you have got your Elite working. You will need to know what to do, if you do the recommended thing and use your Elite with RailMaster instead of the eLink. What follows assumes that you have already previously installed the software driver for eLink. Elite uses the SAME driver, but the driver must be installed before RM will work.


To make RailMaster compatible with Elite you will need to make some configuration changes to RM.


In RM, open the 'Help' page and click the bluish COG in the bottom left corner to open the 'railmaster.ini' file editor. Assuming Windows 7 or above, edit the the entries as follows:


If not present, add these lines at the end of the file (bottom lines). If they are present and values are different, change them to these values:


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=0

Elite feedback=1


Save and exit the editor.


In RM, now go into RailMaster 'System Settings' window and click the bluish COG icon in the bottom left of this window. This will open the 'Windows Device Manager'. Navigate to the COM & LPT branch of the tree and make a note of what COM port is being used by the Elite. It needs to be plugged into the PC and powered up before the allocated COM port can be seen. In the example below it is COM4.




Once you know what COM port is allocated you can close Windows Device Manager down. Now make sure that in the RailMaster 'System Settings' window that the Elite is selected as Controller A in the pull down selection box and the COM port number matches the one in Device Manager. This needs to be 3 or 4 and not 5. Also check that the baud rate is 38,400 (from memory, may need checking) and that data bits is 8, parity is none and stop bits is 1.


Do all of that and you should be in a good position to use your Elite with RailMaster.


With regard the Elite feedback=1 entry. If you call up a loco address using the Elite knobs and buttons for example loco address 10 and you have a loco in RailMaster also with address 10. Then you will notice that when you change the speed of loco 10 using the Elite rotary control knob that the loco 10 throttle slider will move in synchronisation in the RM display.



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If you have not yet installed RailMaster, then a few more TIPs designed to ease your path of discovery. Assuming you are going to use the Elite with RM (the same instructions can be used for eLink as well). I am assuming Windows 7 or later will be used.


Firstly don't install from the CD. Just use the "Activation Key" printed on the CD packaging. When you are ready to install RM, download the installer from the download link at the top of the RailMaster forum page.


NOTE: Do keep a record of ALL the data you enter into the online Activation form. Things like name, address, email address etc. If you ever have a total PC failure, you will need this information to process a request to get your RM key reset to reinstall on a replacement PC as you have to prove to Hornby RailMaster Support (HRMS) that you are who you say you are and not trying to activate a second-hand previously activated purchase (the activation license is not transferable to another party).


Before running the installer. Choose which USB port on your PC you are going to use. It is important that you always use the same one as changing the USB port you plug your controller into can confuse RM. If possible make it a USB2.0 port and not a USB3.0 one.


Power up the Elite so that it goes through its start up check and displays 003, then plug the Elite USB cable into the PC and let Windows 'Plug n Play' detect it. If all is well you should get some 'Installing driver' dialogue messages. If a window opens asking you to tell it where to find the driver, then choose the option that makes Windows search the Microsoft servers online.


After the installation finishes, one of two things might happen. Open Windows 'Device Manager' in the Windows 'Control Panel' and look at the entry for the COM & LPT branch (see my image in my previous post). If the entry says "USB Serial Port (COMn)" where n = 3 or 4 then the driver is installed and you are ready to go. On the other hand if it says "CDC RS232 Emulation" then there is more work to do to complete the driver install. If "CDC RS232 Emulation" is listed then 'right click' the entry and choose 'Update Driver'. Now go through the same procedure as before choosing the "search Microsoft servers online" option [Note that the actual words used in the text options may not be exactly as quoted in this reply as I am writing this from memory]. If this secondary driver update is successful, you should now end up with 'Device Manager' showing the "USB Serial Port (COMn)" entry. If you do, congratulations the driver is installed and the first hurdle is over.


Make a mental note of the COM port allocated, it should be 3 or 4 and not 5 (if it is 5 do not carry on further until you have forced the COM port down to 3 or 4 manually).


Leave the Elite plugged in and powered up.


Now you can run the RailMaster installer. It is crucial that any messages during the installation that relate to either AV security or the Firewall where you are asked to choose between "allowing" communication and "blocking" communication. That you choose the "ALLOW" options. If you do not, you will not be able to activate RM later.


Follow the RM installation prompts and enter your CD Activation Key when prompted. You do have the option of continuing to install as an "Evaluation" copy if you want to test it out first before committing to using up your Activation Key. You can then use your CD Key to activate later from within the RM application.


Once installed, perform the "railmaster.ini" and COM port checks as described in my earlier post. Doing the installation following these instructions should in theory give you the best possible chance of performing a trouble free installation we see all too little of on the forum.


EDIT: The bulk of the information above is basically also covered in the sticky posts at the top of the RailMaster forum. I have just extracted the relevant elements and put them in a step by step tutorial to hopefully make it easier for you to follow, plus added some additional notes of my own. Do check out the contents of the sticky posts, they contain a wealth of additional information and a link to an 'off site' help site showing screen shots tutorials of the RM installation process as well as other RM related help topics.



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Going back to what Fishy said - have a good read of the current Elite manual to get it in your head what the Elite can domand how to do ot using the various menus.


Then do the same with the current Railmaster manual.


If you can establish a good understanding of the capability of these products then you will better be able to go back to the manuals to check you aare doing things correctly.


Good to hear the Elite is working as it should.


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