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Peco 3 way point electrofrog


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Hi. Am trying to use 2 peco 3 way points to split 1 rail into 3 for sion purposes then back to 1 rail after station. Track layed But want to test all works before final bus wiring. So temp power to track and installed dcc concepts digital point motors to first point. Points work great but locos stop at the isolater connections at the frog end on left and right path and eventually trigger a short circuit message on railmaster. Loco stops at the fog on centre path with immediate short circuit message. Help. Ps using elink.

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In many cases PECO Electrofrog points require all rails on the divergent track side of the frogs (opposite end to the toe end) to have PECO SL-11 insulated rail joiners (IRJs) fitted.


Are these fitted on your points? Just asking so that possible issue can be eliminated.


From your description regarding the Station, the three possible routes out of the three way points are not all going to dead end sidings. Therefore the fitting of the IRJs is critical to prevent short circuits. Justification for this statement is pasted below as an extract from the three way point data-sheet.




If you have got SL-11 joiners fitted, then you will need to post a drawing of your layout showing where SL-11 joiners are deployed in ALL locations (not just the layout section with the issue) and where DCC power connections are made to the layout. Only then can a detailed analysis of the power distribution of your layout be made. To post an image .JPG or .PNG use the "Black & White" Hill icon in the posting tool box. Note that images are held back for the Hornby administrator to authorise before they will appear (office hours only).


I note that you used the term "isolator connections". Are these SL-11 IRJs. If they are and you are getting a short, then that would indicate that you have a reversed DCC power connection somewhere.


Does your layout have any WYEs or Reverse Loops in the design. Again post an image of your layout so that we can analyse for their presence in the design.

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Okay, don't laugh at the diagram. Below shows my station layout. One line in splitting into 3 for platforms then one linel out. The gaps shown are where I have gapped the rails with my dremmel rather than using IRJ's. To test layout I have attached power to both single tracks and power to the cobalts direct from the elink. Want to ensure all well before fully wiring up with droppers and bus. What I need is somebody out there who has used cobalt ip digitals on a 3 way point so that I can compare what theirs looks like compared to mine./media/tinymce_upload/d8c4e133c86f891ddc1031c5d71ba247.png

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Thanks for that. Unfortunately that is for dc using analogue cobalts. Mine are digital and I am using dcc. I have tried to map the wiring within the point, the thin nwires attached which are connecting certain rails but this has only confused me mor as rails that should not be connected sem to be.

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I have DCC Concepts Cobalt Digital iP's on my layout, but didn't use them on my two Peco Code 75 3-way points as there in the fiddle yard. Without looking under the boards, I guessing, that power goes into Terminals 1 & 2 on the point, and the frog wire goes into terminal 3, with as Chris mentioned, IRJ's on the three exits. I have both DCC and Switch operation on all of my Cobalts - the switch wire goes into terminals 7 & 9. I have also wired Dapol operating signals into the Cobalts.

One other point (excuse the pun) which I expect is obvious, but with DCC, especially on 3-way and slip points, if the correct route is not set, there will be a short the instant the loco hits the point. I do not have route indicators, so points are set by "eye", and I have occaisionally got it wrong - set one point and forgot the second one.

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Just wanted to say coming back to the Hobby after nearly 40 years away. Been flying R/c planes and helis so no problems with soldering but amazed at the totally differnent opinions about insultfrog or electrofrog points. Decided to go DCC and then read the internet. Bought Hornby cos thats what I had 50 years ago! - Now it seems Hornby are not keeping up! - Peco Electrofrog seems the way to go so I will be buying this instead of Hornby track - SHAME - Hornby get your act together - still thought it was Uk (loyalty) but its all Chinese now - so Hello Peco!

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Nothing wrong with Hornby at all - I don't know what the poster has been reading. "Decided to go DCC and then read the internet. Bought Hornby cos thats what I had 50 years ago"! - Obviously reading the wrong article on the internet?    Peco track gives more options. Where do these people come from!

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Sorry for the rant.  Hornby have never done "electrofrog" - so Peco would be the obvious choice. There is a good choice of points, crossings and slips that are all electrofrog - a good choice for anyone starting or coming back into railway modelling. There are more "electrofrog" options with Code 75 than Code 100. On appearance there is little to choose between "75 and 100" when ballasted - however if you are using older loco's the wheel flange "could" cause a problem on points etc.

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I bought a peco electro frog three way set of points. I am on DCC and wired them up and got them working correctly. But to my dismay some of my locos would continuly detail on them the problem was the slight step sideways where the moving rail of the first turn out met the stock. Yes Back to backs were checked, reset checked and reset. Points were level. All to no avail. In the end I removed them and fitted separate left then right points. No more derailments. Pity as they saved space. My new layout only uses single turn out electro frogs.

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There are more "electrofrog" options with Code 75 than Code 100. .......................... however if you are using older loco's the wheel flange "could" cause a problem on points etc.


As someone who uses PECO track I would just like to say that the BB has got it 100-percent correct with regard the electrofrog options with the different track codes, and the limitations of older model deep wheel flanges on anything less than Code 100.

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