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Interaction between Elite and RM


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I have just changed the default address on my new Class 47 to its new long address using the Elite direct modem on my dual-use rolling road (programming track or running track) and then checked it ran OK and the TTS sound worked. Happy the loco and the Elite are working OK.


Then I decided to add it to RM (did that no problem) and read its CVs. RM reported unable to read any CVs then I noticed the red led on the Elte wasn't flashing, but the led on the connected Select WA was flashing as it usually does. Knowing the Select can’t use long addresses I wondered if it was the problem and disconnected it but still saw the same fault.


Then it occurred to me the loco was still ‘live’ on the Elite screen, so I escaped back to a default loco on screen and restarted the Class 47 CV read in RM. No problem at all this time.


If you are using an Elite in RM and having problems reading CVs then just check the loco in question isn’t in use by the Elite.


I don’t know if this is an RM problem or if its a general restriction that if a loco is in use by a controller then a software program can’t break in to carry out programming - further investigation required me thinks.





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Rob, However that said, what about the situation where the Elite powers up to DCC ID 003 as normal and then you go to change CVs on a new loco / decoder purchase. In that scenario wouldn't both RM and the Elite both initially be on DCC address 003. One would then expect your issue to show itself up, if it was a consistently repeatable observation. As you say....further investigation and testing required.

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