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Settings in rm screen for getting cv list

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Hi I have a midland Pullman with a bachmann 6 pin decoders installed ( as I have an n gauge layout ) and according to the sticky notes that to put in the screen a 12 second reading time between each cv however on mine it is 4 seconds and every time I try to change it and press the tick then as soon as you press the second tick for to start to read the cvs it reverts back to 4 seconds and I would like to know how to get it to stay at 8 or 11 seconds it’s starting to do my head in as it takes a long time to read them as after every 2 or 3 it has difficulty in reading them and then I get the message for to continue or to stop and if I press the tick for to continue again the same thing happens but it eventually lists all of the cvs and it takes over 1 1/2 hours for to just get one list so I didn’t even try to change my cvs because it took so long for to do it also at the beginning it said that it didn’t recognise the decoder and to inform rm customer services so that it can be added to the list of decoders but I’ll have to repeat the reading for to read the message again as I just continued to read the decoder I hope that Chris Rob or Fishman could please give me a solution or is it something that I have to put up with I have windows 10 with rm and an elink the reason for changing my cvs is that I wanted to take off the dc setting in cv 29 as I have erratic loco running when I use my select controller instead using my rm and computer for a change as I like to have a hand controller sometimes for to control my locos and I know that the select can cause the loco to become erratic if the decoder allows for dc running 

I would be very grateful if anyone has an idea for to get it to stay with a higher reading time as I even downloaded rm again from the top of the forum to see if that would fix it but it didn’t 

Thanks very much again Hedley

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Hi Hedley,

I can't understand why you can't change the time between reads. However, for the time being, if it is only CV29 you want to change, you don't need to read in all of the CVs. Just ask RM to read from 29 to 29. Then change the value if you need to then write it back.


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Hi Ray thanks very much for your help and quick reply it’s greatly appreciated  it was just that in the sticky notes  it says that to make sure that you can read all of your cvs before you continue to do anything else anyway I’ll just revert to changing cv 29 and nothing else as I have a few decoders to do  but thanks very much again hedley

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Hedley, only just spotted this post. I agree with Ray, split your CV reads into manageable ranges using the 'from / to' box at the top of the CV read / write screen. Or just read a shortened range such as CV1 to CV35 to capture the majority of the key ones. Or as Ray says, just use the range box to select a specific CV to read.


The CV read range box is even more important now that HRMS have opened out the range to 1024 individual CVs, the bulk of which are not supported in many decoders, but are still attempted to be read if the range box includes all 1024 in the setting.


It's not the first time that the CV read interval time has been reported as being non-sticky. I don't recall ANYBODY coming up with a fix for that one. I assume that RM will overwrite the users choice, where HRMS have defined a value for a particular known decoder model. In other words, if HRMS know through testing that a certain time interval is not reliable on a particular decoder, then they have configured RM not to allow its selection for that decoder. Just a thought......

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Is RM picking your decoder correctly when ot reads CVs 7&8 first as prep for loading the applicable CV list for that decoder type.

If it picks the wrong decoder type invariably it will hum and hah and fail to read a CV. If this happens then double click CV7 and pick your actual decoder from the list and as suggested above limit your read range, although once the correct decoder is loaded then it will skip non applicable CVs as they will be greyed out.

Also make sure your programming track and loco wheels are clean and wiring connections secure.


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Hi Chris thanks very much again for your help and quick reply and I’ll try that way later and Rob it wasn’t picking up the manufactures decode numbers on cv7 & 8 but I remembered that I had seen a post on the forum regarding cv7 to click on it to force set up the manufacturer and it isn’t classed as a bachmann decoder but I then remembered that the decoders in my locos that I’m having problems with are a soundtrax decoder ( before the new ones just released which are zimo ) and it has the bachmann decoder number beside it in the list however it picked the cvs up no problem all the way through to 255 with the settings at 4 seconds and I could change the cvs no problem except for one loco but I had just typed in the value into cv29 that was in my other 2 locos ie 002 and so far it’s ok now with the select as well as the elink also my last loco has a gaugemaster decoder and it read that one no problem 

but thanks very much to you both I greatly appreciate it and I’ll try all of your suggestions to see if it works for me but at the moment I’ll let them run the way that they are at the minute 



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Hi Chris and Rob I have just been thinking when I first got my elink and railmaster at the beginning of last year I had installed the bachmann decoder in my dmu and I had programmed it for to change the loco number no problem with rm and it read the cvs no problem until this year I went to change the cvs for the locos to run with the select for a change so when I went to change them now rm doesn’t recognise the decoders so I don’t know if it’s with changing to the new version or what now it doesn’t want to know the decoders 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Chris and Ray

Since the latest update rm now recognises my decoders and CVs no problem so I don’t know if RMS have updated the manufacturers CVs list as I had to use the list in CV7 before the latest update but now I don’t need too

so now I have both laptops with the latest version and update anyway thanks again very much for your help and advice Hedley 

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Hi Rob 

thanks very much again for your help as well I had forgot to add your name to my last reply and I think that HRMS has started to go through the list one at a time so they’re automatically recognised when you come to program the CVs on the decoders 

but like I said that I‘m still learning about dcc and the help from all of you has been brilliant and I would have gIvan up at the beginning and went back to dc  if I hadn’t had all that help so thanks very much again to all of you Hedley 

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