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ARC Pro: Noise in Analogue mode


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Last week I treated myself to a digital upgrade and picked up the ARC Pro Platinum GT set.


Everything works pretty much as expected in digital mode but there was an unexpected issue when switched to analogue mode and tried to use my analogue cars.

Everything functions fine but the cars emit a high pitched whine when powered. I've measured the noise at 3919Hz @ -55db (each car). I've tried four unchipped cars and they all exhibit this behaviour. Although it works, it's pretty much unusable in analogue mode. In digital mode the chipped cars are near silent - just the usual tyre and motor noises.

  • Is this normal?
  • Have I set something up wrong?
  • Have I a dud power unit?
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Unfortunately this is normal in the current version of the app but might possibly be able to be changed in a future version.

I am an electronics dud but given the APP has complete control over the power curve it might be able to adjust the modulation to reduce the noise.

Keep watching this space...

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Thanks for the reply Andy.

Good to know that it's not a defective unit but a shame that this is the way it's intended to work. I intend chipping two of the cars to digital anyway when DPs aare back in stock so no biggie there.

However, I had hoped to leave the LMP cars analogue and maybe run some slot.it Le Mans and Gruppo C cars in analogue mode. I don't think I can tolerate that whine (and probably more importantly,  I don't think it'll be tolerated by others in the house) so I guess I'll have to investigate retro chipping the Slot.it cars that I want to run.

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  • 1 year later...

It is part of the way the power is controlled in analog mode on the ARC PRO.

ARC AIR does not cause the same effect.

My subjective opinion is that pure analog cars don't do it as much as digitally chipped cars in analog mode (even though HowlinDawg measuered otherwise).

As soon as other sounds can be heard (radio, TV, the actual cars racing on the track) this should be drowned out.

It is also known that some are more sensitive to it than others.

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