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Elite controller annoyance


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I recently (last 3-4 months) got an Elite controller and it seems to have a very annoying 'feature' where when you use the knobs to select something (mainly a loco ID), and then press the button down, the number you've chosen ends up changing. I'm not turning the knob as I press it, so presumably there's something dodgy going on with the circuitry inside. 

Really annoying when you end up controlling the wrong loco or programming CV codes.

Is this a known issue or might I have a defective unit? seems to do it on both sides but one side more than the other.


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Mine does that now and then, too - it's because the click-step knob wasn't quite 'clicked', and thinks it's on the next or previous number.

Before you press to confirm, just rock the knob slightly to either side, to ensure it is 'centred'. It could really do with a slightly more positive detent.

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You are turning the knob as you press it. The knob rotary selection is extremely sensitive, not suited to the ham fisted like me.


You can see the same effect during programming as you select read, press the knob and it goes to write. 


To prove this hold the knob between thumb and forefinger of one hand and press it with the other hand. Works every time.


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Works best if you use your forefinger (vertically) to press dead centre of the knob, rather than a thumb or forefinger (horizontally) on the edge of the knob.

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Thanks for the very quick replies :)

ah right so it’s just poor design then. the thing that got me to thinking it might be an actual problem with the unit is that sometimes when quickly slowing down a loco, it jumps back up in the other direction (like, quite far) which can obviously have interesting results given youre trying to slow something down quickly!

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What is the firmware revision of your Elite (displays briefly on screen during power on self test). If it is below 1.42, then upgrade it. Personally, I would upgrade it anyway if it is not the current revision level (1.44 at the time of writing this reply).


Instructions on how to upgrade your Elite firmware are posted on this link.




Note that if your Elite is at version 1.3 or lower, that the sequence of button pressing to operate things changed in the 1.4x releases. So as well as upgrading the firmware, download the later 1.4x user manual from the 'Help & Advice' manual downloads section of this site.



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The encoders (speed knobs) are rate dependent so if you turn them ever so slowly you will never move a loco and if you spin them all sorts of stuff can happen, especially if trying to slow down fast. Its a bit like hitting a bump stop and rebounding.


The answer is firm and positive steady rate movements.



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