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A4 Tts frying sound

sir john

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Afternoon all 

Just wondering if any of you have had a problem with an a4 the decoder

I fitted one to my miles beevor all was fine then instead of steam sound I got a frying sound all the spot sounds were fine and the loco ran well

The retailer replaced the decoder I reffited it checking for any shorts ran it for half an hour same problem

No sign of any bare wires shorts etc this one is now on it's way back for replacement

ANY ideas

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On one of my A4 locos, self fitted with TTS, I had a speaker that started to give a crackling sound. Just started as the loco was running with only the chuff sound. Not at full vol. I did a reset to no avail. Then tried another speaker beware they are 8 ohms. It was the speaker at fault. Hornby changed it but I went sugarcube instead. Oh yes the substitute speaker  came from a sound birthday card.

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