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Accessory Controller


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Hi All,

I'm in the fortunate position of having 2 Elite Controllers - one has a minor irritating programming track problem which doesn't detract too much from it's operation - so I want to use it to operate only points/accessories; I'll program

the point/accessory decoder on the controller that doesn't have a problem.
How do I wire the accessory/point controller to the layout? A separate bus or is there some way I can have 2 Elite controllers attached to the main track layout and have the point/accessory

decoders pick up their power from the main layout at convenient locations?


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You can only have one Elite at the moment powering the layout. The accessory decoders take their power and signals from the Elite, so you just create a 'power bus' from the Elite track output to both the track and the decoders.

On my layout, I have

run a power bus to about 10 different parts of the layout, and I run a spur of this to the point decoders.

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Firstly, you must not allow two separate DCC consoles 'Track' outputs to connect together.

Use one Elite for the track power. Either directly to the rails or a DCC Bus pair of wires then to the rails.

The other Elites 'Track' terminals

feed directly into a pair of wires of reasonable wire gauge size which run around the railways underside. These wires in turn are tapped off to feed all the accessory decoders.
Just don't allow this pair of wires to connect in anyway to the rails!
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I agree with FB - keep the Elites apart electrically. You cannot even link them with an RJ cable as you can an Elite and Select as it just doesn't work.
By running locos from Elite 1 via the track and your points from Elite 2 via a separate bus circuit

you can simplify your DCC points ops, especially as with Elite v.1.4 you can scroll through up to 10 (from memory) points if previosuly selected in a session by using the ESC button, same as you can with locos on the other Elite.
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