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Hesitation and Stop/Starting Loco


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I actually have 2 DCC locos from my fleet that after they have been sitting around waiting to be used seem to run quite roughly in the sense that they are very jerky and keep stopping and starting, what would cause this? They are both relatively

new as in no more than 6 months old and barely run in. I've tried cleaning the wheels with cotton buds and I have cleaned the rails both with IPA, any suggestions? Many thanks, Andy
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Hi Andy. No consolation but I have similar problem. New DCC loco just stopped. Can't re programme the decoder just flashes 8 times and no response. Is it me? Not very technical sometimes? Mind you the directional lights are still on - looks good sitting

in the station - but not going anywhere. Regards, Chris
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Hi Chris,

If it's the decoder I doubt the lights would work, could be the controller, I had this happen a few times and I had a faulty controller.

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Did you clean the power pick-ups on the wheels. If they haven't been used for a while they might need running in again or some very light lubrication.

New loco stopped, take it back to the shop.

Lights working doesn't mean that the decoder

is ok. The motor function can be blown and the light circuit can work. Been there, blown six decoders.
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I have had similar problems on chips that I have fitted. Locos effected have been the pre-hornby GWR large prarie tank one of my Hornby 14XX and one of my Hornby (ex dapol) castles although they all seem to get better with use, when you stop it taskes

a few minutes of continuous running to improve.
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Hi, I have purchased 2 new DCC locos and have been advised that they can be operated on DC power but without all the dcc features. Both the locos operate in the forward direction as per normal but when attempting to operate in reverse they are very erratic

and stop start and even go in a forward direction. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Ultimately, I will be going over to DCC when my layout is fully set up.
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I don't know what controller you have, but reseting it never does any harm... After that, if it still doesn't work, I'd reset the decoder - may have got corrupted ( normally write 8 to CV8) - can only do this with the Elite, not the Select.) Just check

in the instruction leaflet first re resetting decoder for factory reset.
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