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railmaster - TTs sound

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Hi.. I'm new to DCC and recently started using Railmaster. I purchased a TTS sound decoder for my 'Tornado' and while the actual movement is fine, the sound has some unexpected problems. The sound select buttons on screen dont appear to perform the expected sounds. For example, the button marked 'Guards whistle' actually plays a long chime whistle.

Any thoughts would be appreciated


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How did you populate the 'Function' buttons in RailMaster. Did you do it by calling up the TTS decoder R stock code number in the 'Loco Settings' screen. If you did, what R number did you use?


The Tornado TTS decoder is R8108, did you use this R number or something different. If you used something different, then maybe this is why your sound to label text is not synchronised.


If you did use R8108 and the sound played, does not match the name on the function button label then it is an easy task to EDIT the label. Just use the pull down box on the Function button (in the 'Loco Settings' screen) and select the title that more closely represents the sound being played.


TIP1 - If the none of the pre-defined labels in the pull down box, match exactly what you are looking for. Then just overwrite the function button with the text you want to see displayed. Keep the text short as there are a minimal number of characters supported.


TIP2 - Any Function that needs to lock on such as lights (F0) or enable sound (F1) must have the text on/off on the label. If the "on/off" text is not present on the label, the function will enable and then 3 seconds later disable. Horns and whistles for example WON'T have the "on/off" text as they are a 'play once' sound.


TIP3 - If you did indeed use R8108 when setting up the Function buttons, then upgrade RM to the latest 1.68 version released this morning. The database error may possibly have been corrected in this latest RM edition. Once the new RM version is installed over the top of your current version. Then go back into the 'Loco Settings' screen and re-select the R8108 loco code number to re-populate the function buttons, then check to see if they have been amended by HRMS.


Note that you cannot remap the sounds played to other function buttons. If the sound is say for example a short whistle on F5, then you have to edit the F5 button to say "short whistle". You cannot for example move the 'short whistle' to the F7 button. The sounds each Function button plays are fixed in the TTS decoder firmware.

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You have to remember that the R3060 stock code is for a DCC Ready loco, that is to say a loco without a decoder fitted. Using that code, RM will not know that you have fitted a TTS decoder. Hence why you have to tell it you have a TTS by using the TTS stock code instead, in this case R8108.


I assume then, that you used the R3060 code for adding the loco, then chose the default Hornby 'Steam' sound option in the 'Loco Settings' screen. The default Hornby Sound function list pre-dates the launch of TTS decoders and was put there predominantly for Loksound sound decoders, hence why it doesn't match.

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