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XLC stopped working


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One of the 4 XLCs in my track has just stopped working altogether.

It no longer responds to lane change requests.

If the flipper is in the change position then it won't straighten to the straight ahead position.

The XLC is right next to the APB so there's no problem getting power to it.

The other 3 XLCs in my track are working fine.


Where do I start looking with trouble shooting?

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After 30 minutes downtime I powered up track again.


The XLC started working again




After a few minutes the flipper flipped to the change position on its own - no car running on the track - and stayed there  =the XLC then no loner responded to instructions - both lanes.


Switched the power off for a few minutes, powered back up again and it's currently working as normal again.



What's going on with it?

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Reading your first post I was going to suggest that something might be up with the sensors in the track - even something simple like dirt (maybe caused by oil from the cars?). But if the lane changer works again after turning off and then turning on again, that's probably something electrical - probably in the XLC, but not necessarily.


I presume neither of the two sensors is working - ie it doesn't matter what lane the car is in when you hit the lane change button? And you've tried different cars and different controllers on different IDs on the APB? The problem happens the same, again and again?


I know this is a pain, but could you set up the dodgy lane changer in a small oval with the APB, a straight and some R2 curves... Use various cars and controllers on different IDs. Then if the problem continues happening with the XLC isolated in the oval, you know 100% that there's something wrong with the lane changer. That might need sending to an SSD expert to fix or - if it's new - return for a replacement. If you can't replicate the issue in the oval, then there's something quirky going on with the positioning of the XLC in your layout. That will need more troubleshooting.


Good luck!

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That's good to know Twigman - glad the problem went away!


It's always good to isolate the suspected faulty section when you are troubleshooting, as it removes environmental factors like the sunlight. You'd have identified that there was nothing wrong with the XLC. Of course, you'd have been left with some more head-scratching to do, but wouldn't be looking inside the XLC, sending it away for repairs etc.


Have fun!

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