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HST wI'll not run on main track


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My HST (DCC) runs brilliantly on the programming/test track but will not budge on the main track, there is power to it as the cab lights are on and I have several other DCC trains all run perfectly both alone and when I am trying to run HST. I have even reprogrammed it with a different number to no avai. any ideas?

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Don't understand how it can 'run' on the programming track - there's not enough power there to move the motor.

Do you mean it makes the proper noises?

You might get more help if you tell us what controller you are using, what the display shows, and what does and does not happen when you give various commands to the loco.

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2e0dtoeric is correct programming track is for coading the chip not running the motor are you sure you have the wires in the back of the unit. are you useing  the elite or select what code did you programe it to or you think you programed it to ?

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Thanks chaps, I am "programming " it with r8213 I have connected two remote wires to the select and touched wheels (left and right side of the train, momentarily) and the motor turns using the programmed code, It along with my other trains ran ok using my railmaster elite and they all run ok with the r8213. That is all except the HST.

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You have me completely confused Rtb. You say you program the loco’s DCC ID with your Select and it runs ok, all with a separate connection to the main track.  You then put it on the main track and it runs ok on that ID with RM/Elite.  But then if you connect your Select to the main instead of the Elite, it doesn’t run.  Do I have all of that correct?


Given I do, the problem can’t be the Select, it must be the connection to the different tracks.  Are you sure you are using a DCC power track or clip, not a DC one?

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Because I took the time to read RailTownBoy's previous posting history, RTB's post makes perfect sense to me. In previous posts he sometimes refers to eLink, he sometimes refers to Elite. But since he says he got RailMaster with the Majestic train set, then that makes it an eLink controller and Elite is most likely a typo (unless of course RTB bought an Elite prior to buying the Majestic set).


He has TWO track layouts. The MAIN layout that is operated by RailMaster / eLink that he got with his Majestic train set. He also has a second smaller layout (I assume a basic oval) which he uses as a 'TEST TRACK' powered and controlled by a R8213  'SELECT' controller. This Select 'TEST TRACK' doubles up as a 'PROGRAM TRACK' where he uses the Select to do basic address changes. As most will know, the Select does not have a dedicated 'programming' output on it. Hence why his use of the 'Programming/Test Track' phrase is probably confusing readers.


What he is saying, is the loco operates fine under Select control on the test (programming) track, but will not respond to the RM / eLink combo on the main track. Well I hope that is what he is saying, else it will be an 'egg on face' moment for me.

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Hi Rtb 

if Chris is right about the select controller on a programming / test track and then the HST runs with the select controller on your test track but when you put it on your layout with RM and the elink controller and it doesn’t work are the wheels clean on the HST also is your layout track clean but more importantly is the wire conections going into the elink clean as sometimes the wires oxidises making a poor connection and are the wires on the layout connecting to the rails properly if you are using a connector instead of a soldered wired directly onto the rails as I have found when I have left the wires not connected for a while that they had oxidised and made a poor connection with the elink and my locos were sometimes were running in fits and starts until I had cleaned up the wires and made sure of a proper connection and cleaned up the track and then I had no problems with the locos also have you tried to swap the controller on your main track for to see if the HST works on the main track 


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Select only has a Track output (ignoring the Aux output) therefore on its own it essentially programs on the main so you can program and run a loco on the same bit of track, but if used as a walkabout to an Elite then it sends via the Elite programming output and it will not run a loco.


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Now we all know Select only has one output for running and programming, I’d assumed that.  On the main layout, lets just say under RM control and not worry about whether it’s via Elite or eLink for now.


Going to Rtb’s second post, he is clear everything runs on the main track with RM.  Then if Select is connected instead, everything BUT the HST runs, even though it runs on the test track. 


Given the main main is a Majestic layout, less likely the power connection is DC but still not impossible. I have no other suggestions. 


We need Rtb to report back before any further help can be offered.

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RTB, also said that whilst the HST won't run on the MAIN track (after running OK on the Select track). His other locos run fine on the main track. So that discounts track connector and main track wiring issues. Only the HST is affected in isolation.


Personally, I think it is a Select programming issue. It is not the first time that something configured with the Select has not worked with a different controller has been reported on this forum. I would use RailMaster / eLink to reset the decoder (write 8 to CV8), then reconfigure the loco address again using RailMaster / eLink instead.


RTB, personally I would relegate the Select just to being used as a 'Test' controller and do ALL your configuration and programming activities with RailMaster. Apart from which, the RM graphical interface is so much more easier to use.

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Using a different controller to reprogram the offending loco,would provethings one way or the other. If it works fine via RM then suspect the Select, else its a different problem altogether Within that loco.



PS - what with the random capitalisation if i hesitate typing or backspac- GRRRR.

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Fishy's point is totally valid to consider checking the main track power connector to see if it has the TV suppression capacitor in it. It is potentially conceivable that it might, in a unique set of circumstances, only affect a single loco decoder i.e the HST. Although, one would normally expect the DC power track issue to manifest problems across a wider selection of loco stock. One way to confirm, would be to connect the track output of the RailMaster / eLink combo to the 'TEST' track (with the Select removed of course) and see if the HST still doesn't respond to RM control.

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Thanks all, I think community moderator has probably got it right, I have programmed all trains using r8213 select I have replaced eLINK and only use r8213 on the main track this due to convenience of use. I use a separate test track again for convenience thus ensuring I have no problems with other train codes. I have checked all wiring and cleaned both track and wheels. I am beginning to wonder if the decoder has " gone" faulty. As an aside I have tried to reprogram HST using eLINK but it seems to have given up the ghost (eLINK that is) hence my thinking the easiest option is a new decoder.  ☹️

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