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Inconsistent power


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Hi all,


I ran a race night last night and had intermittent issues with loss of power, but just to one lane only. 

I ran a similar set up last week and ran six cars with no issues. 

The only thing that was different was the floor we were on and the fact that I had soldered the wire taps in place (whereas they were held with electrical tape last time)

each time it happened the power completely went but just on the right hand rail. I would turn off the arc pro unit completely and then restart and it would be fine for a few laps and then go again. 

I checked there were no obstructions On the track. 

Just wondering if anyone has any possible ideas as to why one rail would die and then a few minutes later seem to be ok. 

Thanks in advance 



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Since you say you are running on ARC PRO we will likely move this thread to the ARC subforum...

A single lane being faulty is 90% down to  bad and/or dirty connection somewhere in the layout. Maybe when you soldered you accidentally got some solder too close to another rail and when the track vibrates (especially with 6 cars) it makes an intermittent break in power.

To be sure it is not the ARC PRO power base (which I personally doubt) get another power base (digital ad/or analog) and plug it in and test if the problem remains. Also check the ARC PRO in analog mode.

Since you are racing digital you should also double check all of your lane changers for loose connections.

Let us know how you get on...

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