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Help on setting up eLink/RailMaster

Guest Chrissaf

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There are two sticky threads at the top of the RailMaster sub-forum devoted to setting up RailMaster (RM) and getting it working.


Two areas from those sticky posts to concentrate on in setting up RM are:


  1. Ensuring that the 'railmaster.ini' file has got the right entries in it for the eLink. i.e Check controller=1 and Alternative comms=1
  2. Checking the COM port allocation in Windows Device Manager and making sure the same COM port is selected in the RM 'System Settings' screen. This needs to be either Com3 or Com4.


Loss of eLink communications more often than not is down to the two issues mentioned above. Always use the SAME USB port to connect your eLink to. Changing the physical port invariably changes the COM port Windows allocates and ends up with a loss of communication. Also, use a USB2.0 port and not a USB3.0 port.


With regard the 'loco detection' message. OK you have got rid of the message, but for it to appear in the first place, then you must have had the wrong 'check and/or selection box' enabled in the 'System Settings' screen or 'Loco Detection' tab. As the 'Loco Detection Module' is not a launched piece of hardware by Hornby yet. Therefore there is NO physical module for RM to detect yet.


With regard to the R1184 Western Train Set with Sound. The loco is factory fitted with a TTS (Twin Track Sound) decoder. As with all sound decoders, TTS included, you have to turn the sound on before you can hear anything. To turn the sound on, you use the DCC controller (in this case RM & eLink) to send a F1 function command. This normally appears as a 'soft button' on the RM Throttle panel - see image below for an example.





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Welcome fishpond.


Thereby lies your problem. You have selected RM to operate something that does not exist yet I.e the loco detection system, unfortunately you have used up your two posts as a newbie so will have to wait until tomorrow to post more, although you will be able to read what people post to help you.


I suggest for now you look in the RM forum sticky posts and read through all that is written there for your guidance.


You say you have no sound. Is that PC sound or loco sound as the latter needs you to have a sound decoder fitted to your loco. If you can’t get pc sound such as program announcements then that is a different thing and something to cover in depth later, when we know more.


Meantime have a read of the setup posts and see if that helps.


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Rob, I was unaware that Hornby had released a 'Sound' Train Set, but when researching my earlier answer I found this:




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Hello Peeps


New to all this and now retired so really fancied giving it all a go.

Purchased a Hornby DCC Western express set from a well known shop in Liverpool, it came with ELink.

Long and short of it is I had the set running with no sound yesterday for about 45Mins, then whilst trying to fathom out sound it has stopped running and hasn't run since.

I am getting the message on restarting the program---Couldn't determine the loco detection module firmware version number (might as well be in Martian,---I dont understand that either)

Can anybody help please?

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As would have been mine. I started to write about needing a sound decoder to get sounds, but decided I had better research the set contents first to save an 'egg on face' moment. That was when I found the product info and changed the content of what I had written to what I eventually posted.

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Some thoughts, but I’m going to leave Rob and Chris to the detail:  this set has been around for 18 months and already on big discounts. Because it is a set, there may be no specific R number for the loco, with or without the T suffix.  Therefore,  I suspect sound setup would have to have been done manually.  Now of course you should be able to read the loco CVs right click and select the correct Hall TTS decoder to populate the sounds without having to do it manually.


However, given these potential complications on setup, you would think someone would have already been seeking help with it here, unless there are a set of very good instructions that come with the set.

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I have just fired up RM to try to set up a dummy loco using the double click C7 method you mention to populate the Sound functions. It doesn't work. I remember that you started making this statement after a post by Rob (RAF96) regarding the C7 double click feature. I suspect that you misread what he was saying.


Try it yourself with your copy of RM (I am assuming you use RM). Double clicking C7 only populates the CV list with TTS appropriate CV labels. There is a choice of a TTS Steam decoder OR a TTS Diesel decoder. There are no individual  selectable TTS decoder options for different Loco classes. I believe that the reason that there are only these two specific choices, is because the steam and diesel TTS use different volume CVs and the CV list screen has no impact on the 'Class of Loco' to which the installed soundscape files relate.


If you want to populate the Function list with the sounds etc, then you have to select the appropriate TTS decoder Rnnnn number in the LOCO selection box on the main 'Loco Setting Up' screen.


So Yes, you can populate the Function buttons without having a specific TTS Loco in the Hornby database, but it isn't invoked by the double clicking of CV7. It is invoked by using the TTS decoder Rnnnn number. Maybe this is the info that you misread in Rob's postings.


Ideally, I would have preferred contacting you privately about this correction rather than putting it here in public, but as there is no 'Private Messaging' I couldn't. You yourself have on many occasions commented on the need to keep information and advice given on the forum accurate. Hence why I have taken the step to publish here, before too many 'Chinese Whispers' escape the forum pages.


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I concur with Chris, let me explain the various options for listing a factory fit sound loco or one that you have TTS chipped yourself..


There are two separate things under discussion here - one is listing a TTS loco such that you get the correct list of sound functions to save into your loco database and the other is when reading the decoder on the programming track to get the correct list of CVs.


Listing a TTS loco:

In the loco setup screen click on the down arrow in the Name block and the full loco inventory will appear. Scrooll through to find your loco or more easily type in your R-number into the Find box that appears, in this case R1184 immediately brings up R1184T Ketley Hall. If you click this loco the correct list of sound functions for Ketley Hall will appear in the list at the right hand side. Give it an address (ID) and save with the Green Tick.


If you have installed a Retro TTS chip then type in R8xxx (your chip number) in the Find box and pick your loco type - e.g. R8108 is Tornado, etc. Again selecting your loco will populate the RH list with the correct functions. ID and Save as above.


If you can't find your particular loco (say its a B'mann or other sound chip), then list your loco manually as normal, by name and ID and to populate with generic sounds press the double blue arrow icon under the sound functions list until you get the nearest correct list - there is a choice of None, Steam 1 or 2 and Diesel 1 or 2. You have the option to amend any function description to suit your actual loco, but you cannot swap functions around, say to put a whistle on F1, etc - you get what you gt with TTS. ID and Save as above.


Reading CVs:

With your loco selected and on the programming track press the 'i' icon and a dialogue will open with the CVs blank at this time. You have 2 choices, either let RM attempt to read the decoder by pressing the Green Tick, whereupon it will populate the correct list of CVs applicable to your decoder or you can force RM by picking your decoder type by double clicking in CV7 and selecting it from a drop down list of Hornby and other make decoders. Note that there are 3 TTS options, TTS (012), TTS Steam (001) and TTS diesel (12) where (nnn) is the decoder version ID. Normally RM will read your TTS decoder correctly but it may think it is a Factory Fit 4-Function decoder in which case stop the read with the pause '||' icon and start again with a CV7 force read selection.


I hope this clarifies the situation.


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Chris, no problem with your airing my mistake publicly, and thanks for the clarification to you and Rob.  I’ll try to remember that in future.  This isn’t the first thread in which I’ve made the same mistake.


Yes, I use RM with ProPack but get lazy about turning on the laptop to check things on it when I am replying on the forum with the iPad. 


Interestingthat at the set number plus T gives you the TTS loco.  Will keep this one in mind in answering about sets in future. Also explains how all to this point had no problem populating the sound functions.  

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I should think the RxxxxT format is because of a field length limit in RM database which I believe is MS Office Access. From years ago when I used to use it once the initial field length was set you couldn’t change it without messing the database up, but don’t quote me on that.

I would have thought just the basic R number would be unique enough as I can’t remember seeing a loco type with same number like R1234 and R1234TTS, just weathered variants with W suffix, factory fitted with X suffix and sound with XS suffix. I haven’t looked to see how those are handled.


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Did everything suggested in reams of paperwork and on here--still nothing.

Waiting on a response from RM------ Before I get in touch with Hornby. (either  it is RM or Hornby's problem, I will find out eventually)

It has now been consigned to the waste of money bin, an Elite is on order.

Thank you for the responses.

Why people can't start their own posts is a mystery?

Thank You

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Why people can't start their own posts is a mystery?


You originally posted your question in the Hornby DCC forum. This is a RailMaster question and is better placed in this RailMaster forum section so that it will be read and responded to by appropriate forum members. Not only that, but HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) read this forum section, they do not read the DCC forum where you originally posted your question. Thus your post was moved here for your benefit. There is nothing to stop you from starting your own posts, it is just more efficient if you take the time to post it in the most appropriate sub-forum.


There are members on here willing and able to give you 'one on one' support to get your RM software up and running, but you have to meet us half way by describing in 'step by step' detail what you have done so far. It is pretty useless to just say 'I have followed instructions'. You might be following the wrong ones or following them incorrectly, or missing out important steps. Remember we do not have the benefit of being able to look over your shoulder and see what you are doing. You need to paint us a picture in words.


I hope you get on better with the Elite, but you are missing out on a whole load of potential benefits by binning RM without giving it a chance. You may not know this but RM works with Elite as the connected controller hardware too.


Also, HRMS can log on to your RM installation and take remote control of it to set it up and get it working for you.


For information, it is pointless talking to Hornby Customer Services by phone about RM. Hornby have outsourced all support for RM to HRMS. HRMS do not publish a phone number. You use the inbuilt support request feature located on the RM Help Page from within the RM application or via email using the support@rail-master.com address. It is better to use the inbuilt support request feature because that method sends RM log files and set up information to them.

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Fishpond, please try and avoid using the 'white arrow in blue box' button. It is not a 'Reply to this post' button. It is far better to write your replies in the 'Reply' text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button. Particularly when you result in re-quoting my long posts without adding any new text.


Since you did not add any text to the re-quote I have removed it to keep the thread tidy.

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