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Select not programming address


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Hi all

Before I get into it I have had a search but no luck.

I have a select controller and have got a tts decoder and all functions work sound and control although a bit jerky.

I'm trying to address the loco but it will not work. 

Could this be a select issue or an loco issue as it is fairly old with possibly poor pickups. Although as sound works didn't think it was the pickups.


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The usual first point to try is CLEAN EVERYTHING - track, wheels, pick-ups, wire connections.

Dirt and DCC do not go together.

Next - how are you getting power to the track? One of those flimsy slide-in clips, or the piece of track with spring clips on the outside edge?

Is it a proper DCC one, or a dc one you had to hand?

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The usual first point to try is CLEAN EVERYTHING - track, wheels, pick-ups, wire connections.

Dirt and DCC do not go together.

Next - how are you getting power to the track? One of those flimsy slide-in clips, or the piece of track with spring clips on the outside edge?

Is it a proper DCC one, or a dc one you had to hand?

I have soldered onto the track as this is just a programme track I have cleaned it with wet and dry and wiped down.

Could it be the firmware in my select currently at 1.3?


Thank you 

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Hi Jimbob60 

first of all you shouldn’t use wet and dry on the track as this can damage it by scratching the surface so you should really use a track rubber or a track cleaning fluid, also you’ll probably need for to update your select controller by contacting Hornby and get a repair number and then you send it back to them for to update the firmware to the latest version which will cost you £15 at least it was last September and also when you receive it back it would be ideal for you to download the latest version of the manual from this website as well as there is a difference between the old and new firmware and manual.

Also when you do a layout it would be better for to solder the wires onto the track as well 


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Select v1.3 should be able to reprogram your TTS decoder, but you are limited to operating only F0 to F8 but if you get it updated to v1.5 you will be able to operate all functions.

You will have to wait until after Easter to be able to contact Hornby though To ask for a returns order number.

Just for fun try turning the loco round on your programming track and see if it will readdress then as there was a problem with some decors and it may have to go back for reprogramming as well. Tell Hornby about both problems when you make contact.


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Select v1.3 should be able to reprogram your TTS decoder, but you are limited to operating only F0 to F8 but if you get it updated to v1.5 you will be able to operate all functions.

You will have to wait until after Easter to be able to contact Hornby though To ask for a returns order number.

Just for fun try turning the loco round on your programming track and see if it will readdress then as there was a problem with some decors and it may have to go back for reprogramming as well. Tell Hornby about both problems when you make contact.


Hi Rob

Thanks for getting back to me. I will give that a try. I do intend on getting it updated. 

I have since tried another decoder and same issue not able to program a new address. 

I've made sure track is clean and the latest issue is a near new loco. Granted it was not dcc ready so I have soldered the decoder in. 

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Hi Jimbob60 

first of all you shouldn’t use wet and dry on the track as this can damage it by scratching the surface so you should really use a track rubber or a track cleaning fluid, also you’ll probably need for to update your select controller by contacting Hornby and get a repair number and then you send it back to them for to update the firmware to the latest version which will cost you £15 at least it was last September and also when you receive it back it would be ideal for you to download the latest version of the manual from this website as well as there is a difference between the old and new firmware and manual.

Also when you do a layout it would be better for to solder the wires onto the track as well 


Hi Hedley

Its only the programming track I've used wet and dry on. Not the main layout.

The feed wires are soldered direct to the track at both ends. 

I'm leaning towards a faulty select unit as this is now three decoders I'm not able to reprogram. 


Thank you 

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Jimbob -  please do NOT use the BLUE button with the white arrow, this is not a reply one, it is a repeat post!

We keep asking Hornby to remove it, but they never do.

Scroll down the page to below where it says 'Reply to xxxx', type your words in the blank white space, and use the GREEN 'reply' button, or you just keep on repeating the previous post, and your new words can get lost!


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