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Digital Arc Pro HELP


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We have bought the Arc Pro Set. Nice it is. But we dont have power on one side.. So we godt one more.. But they cant work together. Is ther some thing we kan do so we only use the one to controllers and the other only gives more power... 

Best regards som DK.

PS. The track is 28 meters long.. with pit lane and 2 lane switch. /media/tinymce_upload/87cb6646ee8ceb62c24e10d09920dfc9.jpg

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Hei ChrisDK.

28 Meters is a long track but there are two power inputs on ARC PRO that allow the use of 2 power supplies and if the track connections are good should be more than enough to power the track.

See this section on power drops or breaks:


Using booster sables (that can be readily made from parts from most electrical stores) is also an option.


Also, there are dip switches on the bottom of the base that change the frequency to allow for 2 powerbases to be used in the same room but they are NOT meant to be used in the same layout (i.e. they should not be connected electrically) using two ARC PROs in the same layout could cause damage to one or both of the powerbases.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Andy I need help Tony @ Scalextric has no idea what the problem could be,  he suggested searching the forms ibe been looking for the past 3 to 4 hours unable to find my topic of fix.   I got a brand new Arc pro bace and added it to my digital track one platinum kit and one large F1 kit all worked well tell I added the arc base!  Then I found out I had a mod one of my corner tchangers to fix the short problem, the problem is now fixed .

    The new problem at hand that nobody seems to be able to figure out Is simple pit lanes I add one to just the base and it shorts out, I add the exit part of the pit lane it shorts out,  I then tried another ARC Pro bace just to have the same problem now I’m thinking I have a bad pit lane so I try my other lane and have the same problem.  In the troubleshooting stages I then put back both right and left pit lanes with my four lanes of track and installed the original  Digital GT platinum 4 Lane digital base and it all works perfect everything works on lane changes and record laps with no short !!!      Seam to me the ARC as a problem from what I can  troubleshoot with the tools I have.

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The answer is that the wiring of the ARC Pro powerbase means that the two lanes must - at all times - be electrically isolated. The following track configurations that were okay with the Advanced Power Base will short out with ARC Pro:

  1. an unmodded curved lane changer
  2. a single racing crossover (or 'Classic' straight crossover) or an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 etc) in the layout
  3. a pit lane deployed to join the two ARC powerbase lanes into one (ie a single-lane chicane)
  4. power taps (or jumpers) connected to the opposite lane

I am guessing your pit lane is attached to the powerbase as in example 3. Pitlanes can be used to expand out from the two lanes, but not to join them.


The are a few modifications that can be done to the ARC Pro powerbase to make these pieces and configurations compatible. You can find them in the two pinned threads on the ARC Pro section on Slot Forum: http://www.slotforum.com/forums/index.php?showforum=370


Of course another option is to redesign your layout without any incompatible track pieces or configurations. The choice is yours!

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  • 9 months later...

Having troubles! Can't make the curved lane change mod. 

ARC Pro short with pit lane need help!!

Can anyone send in photos of their mods on c7007 and c7008? I followed, as best as I could, the mods from Blagard and an other person here but can't get them to work.

/media/tinymce_upload/fa8057be5fea9a745bb4dcc14e6d477e.jpgI have no problems with the 4straight lane changers and the 4 pit lanes I have. I have tried 2 of Scalextric's "Suggested Pit Lane Layouts" and both shorted out! I have had great success with the other 2 Pit Lane Layouts though. 

Thank you for your help.

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Re. Pit lanes - those diagrams are for previous Scalextric digital powerbases. The top and bottom configurations are not compatible with an unmodified ARC Pro powerbase.


The thing to always remember with ARC Pro is that the two lanes through the powerbase must be kept isolated - that means they can't be merged. That's why the old curved lane changers and the single-lane chicane (bottom diagram above) short out. Pit lanes must go out from the two lanes and then re-join. That's why the top diagram shorts.


Re. the curved lane changer mods - they are not 'easy'. I suggest you go back and follow the steps again for the mod that you decided to do. The two lanes must be isolated - so check all connections, cuts etc. If that still doesn't work, the best thing might be for you to post pictures of the top side and underside of your lane changer in a thread and we can have a look.


I hope that helps.

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What woodcote said... if you take a piece of paper and two distinctly different colors and use one color, say brown for Lane 1 and and another color, say blue for Lane 2 and draw your circuit you can tell when you have committed the crime of combine lanes.

Some track planners do this for you. I know Ultimate Racer does.


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