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Railmaster & eLink DCC Addresses 100 and above.

Guest Chrissaf

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My locos which are addressed 100 and above will not work on the track.  I also have Gaugemaster and Bachmann controllers and they work fine with them. 

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Do any locos addressed up to 99 work with RailMaster or is it you can't get any locos at all to work. Knowing this will assist with next step diagnostic actions to advise.


As RailMaster is a software controller. What actions have you done to set up and configure your locos within RM. RM is not 'plug n play' and needs a lot of configuration.


The best way to get appropriate support is for you to post some screen capture shots of your Loco throttle controllers and the Loco 'Settings' screen. If we can see your screens, then it is easier to identify what configuration actions have been done or not as the case may be.


Use the B&W Hill & Moon icon between the Tree & Smiley to upload images. Images will not appear straight away, they will be held back for Admin approval (UK office hours only). Supported file formats are .JPG .PNG .GIF

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Addresses 100 and above can be confusing as a short address is defined as being within the range 1 to 127, but if you reset a decoder its default short address is 003 and its long address is 100, actually 0100. It doesn’t matter to RM as you enter the loco ID from a pulldown list or by direct typing and it lists your loco as that, but it must match the loco being listed.


Please note that listing a loco in RM is just telling RM your preset loco details, so each pre-existing loco needs to have an address already.


I would suggest putting each loco on the programming track and let RM read its CVs to see what value it shows for CVs 1 (short) and 17/18 (long). You then need to convert 17/18 to a real address using the calculator on 2mm.org site. This will tell you if your 100 + address is a short or long one.



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