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DCC Issues

Corsham Ed

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Hi all,

i have now set up track with my Select controller, R8241 power track and my DCC loco. As soon as my train on the track, the loco starts to move without any assistance from the controller. Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I have ensured the wiring from the select to the power track is correct.

also, the select boots up 10,30,03 . Does the select require a firmware upgrade?

apologies for all the question, but I am a complete novice.

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Are you really sure that your DCC Loco actually has a DCC Decoder fitted in it.


The box the Loco came in might very well have the 'Hornby Digital Logo' on it, but that does not necessarily mean that a DCC decoder is fitted. The box has to say 'DCC Fitted' on it. If the box says 'DCC Ready' then it is a Digital Loco that is ready to have a decoder of your choice fitted to it.


A 'DCC Ready' Loco is in essence a DC Analogue Loco (even though it may say Digital on the box) and will exhibit the symptoms you have observed and described.


If it is a 'DCC Ready' Loco then DO NOT try and run it on your Select powered track until a DCC Decoder has been fitted to the Loco. To do so, may do permanent damage.


As well as 'moving off without any assistance as you described it' did it also make a high pitched whistling whine. If it did, then it almost definitely does not have a DCC decoder fitted and is a 'DCC Ready' model.


Also, the select boots up 10,30,03 . Does the select require a firmware upgrade?


The initial number 10 in that sequence denotes that the Firmware is the original version 1.0 firmware. The current firmware at time of writing is version 1.5. Personally, I would contact Hornby Customer Care to arrange a firmware upgrade and also download the version 1.5 Select manual to go with it, as the operating instructions for version 1.5 are completely different.


EDIT: I see from your other posts that you are interested in possibly buying TTS Locos. TTS Locos can be considered as being 'DCC Fitted' and are fully digital. However to get the best out of a TTS Loco you will need to upgrade the Select firmware to 1.5


The other thing to be aware of, is that sometimes it is necessary to tweak the motor algorithm CVs (Configurable Variables) of TTS Locos to achieve smooth running at low speeds (many report TTS Locos as being jerky whilst starting off, and tweaking the CVs fixes this). The Select, even with version 1.5 firmware can not currently edit these particular TTS CVs.


PS - My posted reply is a long one. May I humbly request that you do not use the 'white arrow in blue button' if you want to reply to it. The blue button is not a 'Reply to this post' button. It is much better to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the bottom of the page and click the green 'Reply' button instead.


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Press zero then Select and twist the speed knob up and back to the bottom stop. This will prove if your loco has a decoder in or not and will also ensure loco zero (analogue) is set to stop.


If your Select is v1.0 then it is recommended that you contact Hornby to get it updated as many things have been improved since your version.



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Hi All,

Thank you for the responses. I will go through the points raised.

1. Are you really sure that your DCC Loco actually has a DCC Decoder fitted in it. - Yes, spoke to guy I bought the loco frtom who confirmed This loco has been converted to DCC  with sound using a Hornby TTS class A1/A3 sound decoder.

2. As well as 'moving off without any assistance as you described it' did it also make a high pitched whistling whine. If it did, then it almost definitely does not have a DCC decoder fitted and is a 'DCC Ready' model. No it never. I tested this theory by placing one of my pld loco's on and it did what you said a high pitched whistling.

3. Also, the select boots up 10,30,03 . Does the select require a firmware upgrade? Thank you. I will arrange to have the firmware updated to v1.5.

4. Press zero then Select and twist the speed knob up and back to the bottom stop. This will prove if your loco has a decoder in or not and will also ensure loco zero (analogue) is set to stop. Made no difference. The loco caried on moving regardless.

I have also been in contact with the person I bought the controller from who confirmed it was in perfect working order. I think the only way I can overcome this is to try and get hold of a second DCC loco to see which product is the one at fault.

Thank you.

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Thank you for providing a detailed point by point reply to points raised and questions asked, something that we see far too little of.


You have however, provided an additional snippet of information that what was not in your original posting that would have helped to know. Namely, that the decoder is TTS.


There are a batch of dodgy TTS decoders in the supply chain. Yours might be one that is affected. It might be, it might not. See this previous post by Hornby Customer Services that explains what to do to find out if it is.




Alternatively, it may be (just a possibility) because your Select is at firmware revision 1.0

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Thanks Chris.

I am going through a process of eleimination. I have riased a ticket with Hornby and have requested the firmware to be upgraded to v1.5. 

I did speak with the last owner of the loco who assured me that everyting on the loco was fine including sound, but he was more than happy for me to return the item.

I have alkso spoken to guy who sold me the controller and he asured me it's in excellent working order as he tested the controller with a number of diferent DCC locos.

I'll see how I get on after the firmware upgrade.


Thanks again for your support Chris and the link to the TTS.

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No one has suggested resetting the Select unit yet. The procedure is in the manual and puts the controller back to square one.


If your TTS decoder is one of the dodgy ones try turning the loco round and putting it the track facing the other way. Same problem??.



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Thanks Rob. 

I did reset the select back to it's original factory settings and have followed your advice putting the loco the other way round. Still no change unfortunately.

I submitted a ticket to Hornby to request a firmware upgarde on the delect on Wednesday. Not sure how long it takes for them to ackowledge, but I will get the firmware upgraded. I have cleaned the track with the rubber supplied by Hornby as well along with the wheels on the loco.

We have a train fare in Corsham this weekend, I may go and purchase a new DCC loco as this will help me in my process of eleimination.

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If you are going to a train fair keep an eye open for a decoder test rig. I have the ESU one (circa £40)  and its a handy tool for checking and setting up a decoder before it is installed in a loco. I have succesfully reprogrammed a decoder in the test rig that refused to reprogram in the loco pointing me to a possible poor flow of DCC signal from controller to programming track to loco somewhere.


Dont confuse the test rig with the more capable amd expensive (circa £140) LokProgrammer rig which is used for programming sound files onto ESU decoders.


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If your Select is at version 1.0 (10-30-03) then I would arrange with Hornby to have it upgrade to Version 1.5 before doing anything else Early Selects are no where near the improved track  output offered by later upgrades.

Contact Hornby Customer Services to obtian a returns number. The upgrade is AFAIK £15.00.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,

just to update you all. I had my select updated to v1.5 and all is well in the world. I also treated myself to a new Zephyr controller as well which is a fantastic bit of kit.

i still have a slight issue where the loco, does stutter at certain points on the track. Despite following the various options I still have the issue. I am going to replace certain pieces of the track with new and hopefully that will fix my issue.

Many thanks for the advice given.

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