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adding second acc.decoder

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hi to all, i have extended my track and put in an extra 4 pionts (turnouts).i have updated my plan to show these points. the 4 that were previously fitted are working well. i have programed a second decoder so that ports are numbered 5 to 8. my problem is that the second decoder does not show on the screen. i am running r/m through elink via a laptop. i must be doing something wrong, or missing something out, but can not find out what .  any ideas please  any help would be much appreciated  thank you  .  hornby decoders in use.

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have you right clicked on the point icons and set up the number for the new points ie 5 through to 8 ? in the boxes that pop up 

also how did you program the second decoder as it might be that you haven’t programmed it properly yet and if you let us know how you have added the decoder to your plan as you might have made a simple mistake of not writing the numbers to the decoder 

also please let us know what type of decoder are you using and are they both Hornby as that’ll help us to give you the right answers for your problems 




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hi HEDLEY, thanks for quick reply. both decoders are hornby. i have just been looking into this railmaster site, and i have found out that i never opened ,or found the drop down boxes.  as you have said.  so i will try and put that righ A S A P. As i said the first 4 sets are working ok, or so i though until tonight, now i am wondering.  i will let you know how i get on, but thanks again    john

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My problem is that the second decoder does not show on the screen.


Can you explain in a bit more detail what you mean by this statement......... as Accessory Decoders do not have their own icon that appear on your track plan. Or do you mean that the 5 to 8 DCC addresses do not show as little oblong text boxes against your new points (or point operating button icons are not present) on your track plan. If that is what you mean, then read on below.


Hornby decoders in use.


I assume you mean Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoders.


As Hedley says, you add point operating button icons to the four new points you have added to your track plan, then right click the point icon button (either the red or green one it doesn't matter) then fill in the data boxes in the screen box that opens. Choose Controller A in the controller selection box. Choose the R8247 option in the drop down list and enter the address in the 'port' box i.e 5 to 8 as appropriate. Then choose the starting point position switch 'left or right'. If you have RailMaster ProPack also set the start up order in the pop-up point configuration box as well.


If your four new added points on the track design screen do not have operating buttons showing on them yet, then follow this method to add them.


In the track layout design screen. Left click hold the red point operating button from the vertical list on the left hand side of the screen. Drag the Red button such that your mouse cursor is placed in the MIDDLE of the on screen point icon. Release the left mouse button. The Red AND Green point operating buttons should now SNAP to their correct locations each side of the TOE end of the point icon. If you do not observe this snapping action then you have done it wrong and must try again until the snapping action is observed. Do NOT try and manually place the point operating icons on the point where you think they should go.


After you have entered the information in the boxes for the four new points. Save the track plan, close and re-open RailMaster so that the new revised track plan is loaded.


Still not too sure what to do, then review this previous post on the topic that provides 'step by step' instructions with a screen capture image.



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thanks to chris and hedley both. yes, working well now. i had fitted the red/green buttons correctly, but read the manual wrong understanding it to say that if i had the pro the drop down screen would appear. my  mistake so sorry for wasting your time,but as you say it is very useful for other learners to see what problems occur, and so find the answers.  thanks again .

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Glad to hear that everything is now sorted.


So if I am understanding your update post correctly, what you are saying is that you were expecting (due to misunderstanding the manual) the configuration box for the points to appear automatically rather than 'right clicking' the point operation icons to make the box appear.


PS - We do appreciate the feedback, even if it is just to say. Sorry guys my mistake...I did it wrong. It helps other's who follow to know that the issue was resolved, even if it was a 'non issue'. Nothing worse than leaving a thread open in mid air. The analogy I use is that an 'unresolved forum thread' is like reading a murder mystery novel to find the last page revealing the killer has been torn out.

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what i was trying to say was that i did not understand that i had to open the drop down box,   and put information into it. i (wrongfully)thought that i had done it right and it was working ok as the first points operated by me selecting  the points screen and clicking on the colour buttons there. that was why i posed the question about further points decoder not showing.   regards  John

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 I’m glad that you have sorted out your problem and also if you don’t ask you’ll never know and as Chris said that it’s great for to get feedback and as you have said it also helps anyone who has the same problem as it’s very easy for to misread the manual as I have also had done many times 


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