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Wombat and Landrover conversion

Alan Hamilton

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Our oldest grandson saw a photo of me in my early days in the army. I was posed with my team after winning a shooting competition. This led to a discussion about what else I had fired. You should have seen the faces of the wee ones when I said that I had fired Wombats at tanks. They thought I was loading furry animals into my guns and firing them.

So I showed them a photo of the 120mm Wombat and Landrover. Then I went to the stash and found an Airfix 3/4 ton Landrover and with some scrap sprue and bits from the bits box last night I made one. I made the gun using trailer wheels but once made found that I had not measured correctly and it did not fit so I made a "plug in" gun too. I have other trailers for ammo just in case. Oddly the photo implies the gun barrels are different diameters but they are actually the same.




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