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Installing railmaster on driver other than c: with OS not on c:

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Has anyone had any experience with installing railmaster on a drive other than c where the operating system ( windows ) is also not on c:? For various reasons I have the operationing system installed on a Brice named H


i am able to install railmaster onto h about 90% competled  then it says cannot find a path to c: to install program filescommon files Microsoft shared dao dao350.dll and dao2535.tlb.

i have found these files on a different machine and copied them into the relevant folder on H, this then allows railmaster to fully install. However when launching railmaster I now get the following error: 

component mscomctl.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid.

i have downloaded the Vb control library from Microsoft but still have this error.

any help would be greatly appreciated 


mind the gap


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Concurring with both Chris and Rog above.

The files you mention are being looked for by others where very specific paths on drive 'C' are where the 'missing files' should be installed absolutely.

If they are installed elsewhere (non 'C' drive locations) then the software will offer up those errors.


Put simply, you must install to drive 'C' only unless you can physically edit the code or copy all necessary files to the relevant places on 'C'. Getting each file required would be very tricky as you wouldn't know where the code that is making the request for those files is coming from.

You will just have to try and use 'C' unfortunately.

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Adding to what others have said even if you fudged the install by copying files the associated registry entries wouldn't tally so it would still fall over.


There was once a call for RM to be made operable from a USB drive, but I cannot recall any progress ever being made on it, not even a comment from HRMS about the proposal.



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I’m surprised you managed to get windows to work if not installed on the c drive!

Now if you don’t actually have a c drive you could map the c drive to the h drive and that might solve your installation problem

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I knew I had seen this previous post by HRMS sometime in the past. Managed to track it down. HRMS are the authors of the RailMaster software:




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Just purely for reference... you can actually install Windows onto any drive. It doesn't have to be 'C' and it will work every time.

The problem is other software vendors assume Windows will always be installed on 'C' so write the paths for files such as .dll files etc. to point to directories such as 'System32' for example within their software which stops them working if the expected path to Windows itself and its sub-directories are not where they 'should be'.


That reads back like a right mouthful but hopefully understandable.

As stated though I mention this purely for reference and the curious...

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Thankyou all for the replies, I guess I have got lucky installing software until now as I have been using the pc for over 7 years with a number of commercial software packages installled correctly.


i was not aware if the implications of installing the operating system on a drive other than c, but have learnt something now.

thanks again.

mind the gap

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