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Tip if you are having problems reading CVs in RM

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I have been readdressing all my locos to enable use of a Select as Walkabout to an Elite and this has necessitated amending my loco list in RM to match.


After giving each loco a new address with the Elite I used RM to read all CVs so I could print out the lists for records purposes.


All well and good but some decoders would not read from RM, but were OK if read on the Elite. By chance I left the Elite in programming mode - i.e. Menu button>Loco>Direct>Address screen and found that RM would then reliably read all CVs with Elite in this mode.


I also noticed that some CV values would show on the Elite Programming Address screen as RM read them, but this did not happen with every decoder.


Anyone who is having problems reading CVs in RM and is using an Elite may like to try setting it up as described. It may help.



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