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Mixed Freight Set, Trains just stop by themselves


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Yesterday I purchased the Mixed Freight Set along with track packs B, C, E & F. I programmed each train with its own address and the trains operate correctly - as longs as the speed is set to 50% or more. When running below 50% the train will regularly

just stop and stop responding to the controller. The humming from the train also stops. Normally I have to give the train a little push in the direction it was heading and it will start again. This most commonly occurs at points junctions but has happened

on both straights and curves as well.

The two trains in the set tend to stop at different places, one train will stop at points A and C and train 2 will stop as points B and a straight not near and points or junctions. Points A, B & C are just what

I'm calling the various points in my layout.

Sometimes the train will stop and then start again, travel about 1mm then stop again (sometimes it will keep repeating this and eventually get back to the set speed, until it reaches the location again).

I have at times had the train running flat out, it comes to a complete stop or its speed is reduced to 20 or 30% and then it goes back up to 100% again, without touching the controller.

All the points have been fitted with the DCC Electric point clips.


me the trains are losing contact with the track as the humming from the train stops, though the trains are still on the rails correctly. This problem makes it almost impossible to shunt across points.

Doesn't anyone have any suggestions to help me out?

As currently it's driving me mad and making me feel like throwing the lot in the bin.

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There seems to be a bad batch of decoders out at present. My cornishman set had a very similar issue where whenever reversing, the loco would run, jolt to a halt, jump forward, then gradually accelerate back up to its reverse speed. Having spoken

to Hornby CS, thay have agreed to post me a new decoder as they are pretty sure thats the issue.

Sounds like you may have the same trouble :(

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