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Western Express worked twice then it didn't

Guest Chrissaf

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Ok I managed to get the e-link working through the right port. What is detection ID - I cannot find it in the guidance. Having attempted Loco Id above 99 as the software suggests and various detection IDs all with no success.  I set up Ketley Hall with a loco ID of one and left the loco Id blank and it worked - sound and everything. Then the loco derailed so I pressed stop. Now the engine is no longer recognised I have deleted it's settings, duplicated them, tried other numbers and it still does not work. What am I missing? Thanks

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By Euromaster software, I assume you mean RailMaster software.


As a new RailMaster user setting up for nearly the first time then it is worthwhile checking with you that you have some crucial settings in your "railmaster.ini" file set correctly. This will then set a benchmark starting point to resolve other issues (assuming that correcting any issues these checks find don't fix the problem).


I am assuming that you have RailMaster (RM) installed on a PC running Windows 7 or above.


Whenever a newbie mentions they are just starting out with eLink. Then my first reaction is to advise that they check their 'railmaster.ini' file to ensure the most appropriate eLink entries are in it. Many newbies just accept eLink communication issues and other issues as being the norm, because they have not been advised otherwise and know no different. So if you have any problems whatsoever regarding communication issues between your eLink and RailMaster and your DCC locos, then check your .INI file. Even if you have not observed any issues, then it is still worthwhile carrying out this recommended .INI file check. You open the .INI file editor by clicking the bluish COG icon in the RM 'Help Screen'. Follow on screen prompts to open the editor. Assuming that you are using Windows 7, 8 or 10 then ensure that these two lines are at the very bottom of the file as the last two entries:


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1


Type them in if missing, or delete them if existing higher up the file and retype them at the end of the file, then save the changes, close and re-open RM to ensure the changes take effect.


Now with regard to 'Loco Detection' as other's have said LD doesn't exist yet as physical hardware, therefore any LD settings in RM should be ignored. Further than that, the settings in the 'Loco Detection' tab should show 'Not used' to ensure that they are ignored - see screen capture below:




You should only need to input settings on the 'Settings General' Tab.


Since you might have done something to corrupt the decoder configuration in the locos by playing around with LD settings, then I think it would be best to revert the loco(s) back to the factory defaults and start again.


Place the loco on the 'Programming Track' connected to your eLink 'PROG A&B' output. Open the 'Loco Settings' screen and click the " i " icon - see image below.


This will open the CV reading / writing screen. In the CV screen type value 8 into CV8 (i.e. replace the 151 in the image below with the number 8 - your particualr screen is likely to be blank or not have the same values as shown in the image below as it is purely an example taken from the RM manual), then click the pen write icon (bottom left icon). After giving time for the writing action to complete. Then click the RED cross to exit the screen. The Green tick is for reading ALL the CVs.


By writing value 8 to CV8 you are resetting the loco decoder back to the default factory settings, this should set the loco as 003. Now you can test the loco on address 003. If this works, then just readdress the loco to the address you require - see the link below .


a) This previous post of mine at 15:33 on the page gives a 'Step by Step' tutorial (with screen shots) of setting up a Hornby loco from the Hornby database in RM.



b) If your loco is NOT in the Hornby database, then follow the tutorial in this previous post instead.



For more in depth information for getting started and setting up everything correctly go to the sticky posts at the top of the RailMaster & TrackMaster forum. Follow the links to the 'Help Site' where you will find 'Step by Step' tutorials with screenshots.


There are loads of posts on this forum giving 'Step by Step' tutorials (mostly written by me) for different aspects of using RM and setting up locomotives in addition to the two a) and b) I have given above. If you get stuck again, come back here and post your specific problem and I will likely be able to provide a link to a previous post or write you a custom one if not covered previously (assuming I know the answer).


This is a long reply and contains images, so do not try and reply using the 'white arrow in blue box'. Firstly this is not a 'Reply to this post' button, and secondly if you do use the blue box button your post will not appear and be held back for approval by admin because of the embedded images. Instead, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and write any reply you want to make in the empty 'Reply Text Box' and click the green 'Reply' button.


As a forum newbie you have used up your initial 2 posts in 24 hours limit (introduced to combat SPAM Autobots). You should be able to post your 3rd post tomorrow and then be able to post freely shortly thereafter.


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Thanks very much. It worked with a few tweeks. The ini file changes did not work until I switched off and restarted the computer. At first the changes to the CV could not be saved. I changed CV8 to 8 but had to use the green tick to get the other CVs. Once this was completed I kept getting a message "could not find loco in database". I found a way round it by settinh the loco ID (I used 0100) and then did the CVs and that worked. Should the primary address stay at three?

I also needed to change the wiring fromprogram to track once the Cvs had been set up.


Thanks very much for your help - much appreciated

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Should the primary address stay at three?


Ideally, I would test any new purchase on ID 003 first, then change it to something unique on your layout. Leaving ID 003 free for your next new purchase to test. It is always wise to fully evaluate and test a new purchase on the default ID 003 first. That way, if you have issues after changing the ID you know it is something YOU have done and not a fault with the loco.


I also needed to change the wiring from program to track once the CVs had been set up.


It is better to have a smaller separate programming piece of track dedicated for programming permanently connected to the eLink 'PROG A&B' output. If you use the full layout track for programming purposes by moving the track wires to the PROG output, you risk the following:


Firstly the programming output is very low power, all the extra track can then induce excessive electrical noise that drowns out and corrupts the programming function. All the metal rails act as aerials. By keeping the programming track short and dedicated you are minimising this pickup of induced background noise. A Hornby R601 straight track is long enough as a programming track piece.


Secondly, if you use the main layout for programming a loco, you MUST remove ALL OTHER decoders from the track including any permanently wired Accessory Decoders connected to operate points and accessories. You did do that didn't you? The decoder being programmed MUST be the ONLY decoder connected to the eLink programming output. If you leave other decoders connected, their own configurations can (very likely) be changed because they too will be responding to the DCC programming packets. The Hornby eLink DOES NOT SUPPORT programming on the main. Another good reason for having a dedicated programming track piece as described in paragraph above.


Once this was completed I kept getting a message "could not find loco in database"


This is somewhat expected as the process I provided a 'Step by Step' for to reset the loco [8 to CV8] jumped in half way through the full set up procedure. Normally, you would not be performing CV changes until AFTER adding your loco from the database into your locomotive roster. This was covered in the 'Step by Step' tutorial links I annotated as a) and b) in my original reply post.


Normally, after the locos have been added to the roster, you then call them up by selecting them from the roster list BEFORE you click the CV read write ' i ' icon. I was expecting you to follow the a) or b) process after you had factory reset them. Whether to follow a) or b) depended upon whether your loco was in the Hornby database or not. In other words, I was suggesting & describing reverting the locos back to factory conditions and then reconfiguring them again in RailMaster (treating them as brand new purchases) using my a) or b) procedure.


Hornby RailMaster is not difficult to master, but the Hornby documentation does leave a lot to be desired when being read by a newbie. Things have to be done in a strict logical & methodical order with a fair amount of custom setting up of the software. It is in no way to be considered as 'plug n play'.


Just having the wrong check box clicked somewhere in an obscure screen can foul everything up and there is minimal error messaging telling you that you are about to do something wrong. It just accepts the input you give it and then doesn't do what you expect it to do as a result. The manual doesn't necessarily highlight these do's and don'ts that we have learnt the hard way through experience.


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Once again that is really helpful. I used a basic oval for programming so no problems there. My point about primary address is that it remains as three in the CV where as the loco F.C. if Id is 0101. I take it the primary address should not change to 0101? I only have one Dcc engine and need to get a chip for the other one. I am still laying track for the main layout but will not use older - non Dcc engines on it.

once again your help has been invaluable- thanks

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My point about primary address is that it remains as three in the CV where as the loco F.C. if Id is 0101. I take it the primary address should not change to 0101?


If you are successfully controlling the loco using address 0101 and that is working OK, then CV1 should ALSO show 0101 and not 003 - see my full reply below. The chances are that the value of CV1 has not been read correctly. Try reading the value of CV1 again (using the green tick on the CV reading / writing screen) and see if it changes to 101. It is not unusual for CV reads using the CV read / write screen to return incorrect values that are not actually in the decoder - see TIP below. Remember, the loco needs to be on the programming track to do this.


TIP. If when reading the CV values, you get a large number of values returned as 255. Then RM is having difficulty reading the decoder. This could be due to the track induced interference I discussed in an earlier reply or just a poor electrical connection between the eLink and the loco decoder i.e dirty wheels and/or track, poor wheel pickup connectivity etc. The very low power that the CV reading / writing process uses can be very problematic for many users. As I said before, the programming track piece should be short. I make these recommendations for valid technical reasons.


The images below have been screen captured from the manual and modified in an image editor. All the locations shown as "ID" in a blue background should have the SAME ID number when ALL configured correctly.


The name and details to the right of the top ID annotation in this image should be appropriate for your particular loco. The info shown in this image just happened to be in the image I used for this reply. Putting the DCC Address (ID) the loco is using in the lower pull down selection box, tells RM what address to use to control the loco.


This is the screen where you actually program the loco decoder CVs and can also configure the loco with the DCC Address ID you want to use for the loco and should be the same number as in the image above. But see note below.


Note: based upon forum reports. It is recommended to read the loco decoder CVs first (using the green tick) BEFORE changing the value of CV1 using this screen. It has been reported on the forum that not doing that can, in some circumstances, cause the value of CV29 to be incorrectly overwritten. This causes operational loco control problems. See the addendum comment at the bottom of the post for an alternative methodology.


If the above is all done correctly, your correctly titled loco with the correct (SAME) ID address should then be in your loco roster list (see image below) and be controllable using the soft buttons and throttle slider.


Note: TIP, see the faint blue magnifying glass symbol (looks like a large Q). Clicking this area opens the throttle into a large on screen throttle.



Addendum Comment.

Instead of using the CV reading / writing screen shown above (2nd image down) to write your new DCC Address ID to the loco. You can follow this procedure instead. This alternative procedure minimises the risk of CV29 corruption.


When you are on this screen (below). You can use the Loco icon (circled in red) to write the DCC Address ID you want directly to the loco decoder without having to open the main CV reading / writing screen using the " i " icon. Remember, the loco must be on the programming track when you do this.




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If you are seeing a four figure address then chances are CV29 is set for long addressing, hence the leading zero.


Oddly if you set a decoder to defaults and specify long addressing the long address comes out as 0100 which is really a short address i.e. less than 128.

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Thanks once again. I managed to change tghe Primary Address (the other ID numbers were already correct). The primary address does come up correctly and I can control the engine via the track, The only slight problem is next to the primary address number it says confirming (this has continued for over 15 minutes on both programming and track wiring. Apart from that the engine and sound has worked fine. Will now try the loco on my layout.


Thanks again

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Just tried it on my layout and I am very impressed. It even coped with my soldering. Now looking forward to getting a chip and sound for my Bachmann Midland Compound. I am glad I bought this for me. I would hate to give it a grand-child on Christmas Day! But thanks to your guidance I think I could cope now.

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Nice to get feedback of a happy outcome.......I trust that the level of detail I put into my replies helped you to achieve your expectations. Don't forget, any further issues in the future, use the forum as your first port of call. We're always here to help, if we can.


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