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RailMaster [PRO] Data from PC to Laptop RailMaster [PRO]

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Hi guys


As you know my layout it stripped totally ready to move home (hopefully end of May), layout-3 will be created in the new property later this year.


I know what space I have and have already planned my new layout, and have already designed it into RM on my PC. I have RM plus Pro in both my PC and my Laptop, I want to test something and would like to move data/folders from PC to Laptop. (Both are registered versions). Moving data is not the issue, the reason for the message is to ask what data/folders I need to move so I have all the settings from my PC on my laptop.


I will have a spare 42" TV when we have moved, and want to test this for use with the larger layout. At present I have a montor to my PC via HDMI lead, the 42" TV also has a HDMI socket I can use. I don't want the larger scene to look hideous, but I do feel if it is set back on the wall, over the layout, I think it could look good and will also reduce controller space down to just the mouse and keboard.


Thanks in advance.



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The files are listed on Page 132 of the RM manual. If you intend to use the same controller on both PC and Laptop, then copy railmaster.ini as well as the ones listed.


Since you have Pro on both machines, then alternatively use the Back-up option in Pro to copy the files to a USB memory stick, then import/copy from the USB memory stick onto the laptop. See Page 135 of the manual.

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Thanks Chrissaf


At this stage it is just sussing out the layout on the larger screen.


I don't expect to start on the new layout much before Christmas, will need to get someone to make the boards and supports for me first as I cannot do this. The layout will be planned in 5 pieces with plug unplug connectors between each, all wiring, dcc bus, droppers, points, signals, RLM's, etc done stage by stage, board by board. A small section of rail will be placed on each track over each board joint so if an issue happens later wiring can be unplgged and the small pieces of track over the joint cut out to lift and work on then put back connected and a small piece of track inserted by sliding of the fish plates. 


It is good to have so much time to plan a layout before doing anything on it, even though I have done two before, but it is also equally frustrating.  😢

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