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Fitting TTS sound to Railroad Tornado


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I have just bought a Railroad Tornado and am thinking of buying and fitting a TTS sound chip.


I did this with an SDJR which was a very simple plug and play job. However, as the DCC plug in tornado is located in the loco I am not sure if this is going to be an easy job unless the speaker is much smaller than that for the 2P TTS chip.


Can someone tell me if this is indeed an easy Plug in job or is there more to it than meets the eye?

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Using a small cube speaker you may be able to get it all in the loco.

Here is a cube in my Merchant Navy. The decoder is above it in the smokebox.




I have an article here showing a TTS fit in Mallard where the decoder is in the loco and the speaker is in the tender.


There will soon be an extended guide to retro fitting TTS decoders as a sticky post to this forum when it is approved by Hornby.


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I fitted a TTS decoder to my Peppercorn A1 'Bon Accord', which I think is a Railroad Tornado in a different livery. I extended the speaker wires and fitted the speaker in the tender.


However, I found that the slightest interruption in power supply when negotiating points would cause the TTS decoder to stop the loco and go through its start-up noises before moving again. The interruptions were presumably also happening with the previous non-TTS decoder but were hardly noticeable. I think this issue is common to all steam TTS decoders.


I solved the problem by fitting pickups to all 8 tender wheels - it now runs perfectly. With the decoder in the loco, this does mean that there are 4 wires between tender and loco, but it did enable me to fit a firebox light without further wires between loco and tender.


Regards, John

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