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1:72nd Scale Junkers Ju88 A-4


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This is my build post of the old tool Junkers Ju88 A-4 in a Hornby release new red box and updated decal set.


I have not done a build post for a few weeks as I was doing a very rare (for me) 'non Airfix' build which was the start of my Junkers yard collection being the Italeri Junkers Ju86 D.


This kit caught my eye as it is unusual looking, similar to the AW Whitley and I especially liked the camo pattern and fin markings. And it wasn't in the Airfix stable so I had to go elsewhere to get it  ☹️. However it was a interesting build but I am back with Airfix now and pulled the Ju88 from my stash.


On first inspection the old tool Ju88 appears to have minimal flash and having first done this kit about 20 years ago it was a very good model for its day, though will now be lacking detail by current new tool standards. I have also recently read a couple of posts which complained about the awful panel fit so we will see how we get on. 

/media/tinymce_upload/66bdefba2e88294ef8491596d58b9838.JPG I bought an aftermarket decal set but I haven't decide if I'll use the kit 1 or this set yet. But it was still useful as it provided the correct swastika's for the tail fin markings on my Ju86 build.

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@ Colin M


Thanks and upon closer inspection of the sprues I think I will need some good luck as there is lots of small pieces of flash on the parts. But it should turn out OK with some TLC to sit alongside my Ju86!

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The build has started and as an example of the age of this mould, here are the original kit crew!


So they have been replaced with crew from my spares and also shows the different sizes of figures in the old Airfix 1:72nd range. They are all Airfix from different scrapped kits over the years but I'm glad I kept them as they are proving useful (especially with some new tool kits that are lacking crew figures).


They are going to be repainted as the colours I had previously used are incorrect. I have added a stool for the bomb aimer at the front of the cockpit floor. Next I started on the lower wing sections fitting the under-carriage doors as this aircraft will be in flight. Although the under-carriage parts are good for the age of the kit, compared to modern tooling it would look very dated if diisplayed 'wheels down'. I applied the same principle on the Ju86 kit.


On kits with multiple doors and when displayed closed, where possible I try and fit them before I fit the 2 wing halves as I can then use plastic can as support and fitting lips on the inside to prevent the doors falling inwards while fitting. It looks a bit ropey at the moment but can't be seen when finished.


The doors and hinge recesses required alot of flash removal and trimming to get a decent fit, and still left unsightly gaps, which were then filled. The sanding removed most of the raised rivet detail on the doors but once painted and weathered I don't think this will be an issue?  

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Good luck with this kit, as it is really showing its age now, and there are much better Ju88 kits on the market ( some of which are much more expensive). Let's hope that Airfix listen to us and produce a Ju88A-1 to complete their Battle of Britain trio.

Ps. if you get the chance compare your Airfix kit to the latest new tool Revell Ju88A-4 from about 8 years ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes you are right there are better (or to be more accurate newer uptodate toolings of the Ju88) kits out there and I did research 1 in particular which I will probably invest in sometime, unless Airfix do a nice new tooling so save me from the perils of another manufacture lol!

But everytime I had a cuppa at my workbench I was inspired to do the Airfix old tool, which was always a favourite of mine ........


So although I had a Type 6 boxing in my stash I decided to buy a recent Hornby release in a Red box with updated decals.

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But on with the build. Not much has been done over the past week as work has got in the way but some progress has been made?


I haven't done much to enhance the cockpit which is very 1970's and sparse other than a seat for the bomb aimer as with the older thick transparencies and the dark grey/black RLM66 interior very little will be seen. But with the new decal set you get an instrument decal rather than cutting it from the instruction sheet!!

The crew have been refreshed with new colours and paint and brought up to a reasonable standard.


Although I have painted the prone crew member I'm not sure I'll place him in the gondola as he probably won't be seen and will save him for another day?


As can be expected with this tired tool the panel fit isn't too good and the fuselage halves required sanding and filling to get a smooth join, this did remove some of the raised rivet detail (I used masking tape alone the edges to reduce the amount sanded away) but I shall have to make do and when painted/weathered it may not be that obviuos  😀

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completed this old kit a couple of years ago

the two part rear canopy is not too good and i suggest it's fitted to the fuselage at the bottom of each clear half and then each half joined.  this'll help to blend the canopy into the fuselage, but the fit is a little hit and miss!

a kit very much of its time and showing its age

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@ dabhand


Oh yes it's very much of its time the tool being over 40yrs old! I was tempted just to do the new tool Revell kit but maybe for reasons of nostalgia I decided to stick with the Airfix offering? 


And yes so far the worst bit is the 2 part rear upper canopy fit. It's made problematic cos you can't sand and fill quite like you can with the other ill fitting parts. I'm also struggling to mask the canopies cos they are almost totally flat with no frame definition!


Never mind I will keep going and hopefully produce a reasonable effort. I hope to update some photos of progress over the weekend.

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Slow progress has been made.


As mentioned the clear canopies were almost smooth with no frame definition to assist masking. After a couple of failed efforts to create my own I gave in and purchased a pre-cut set from Mr Internet. Although you cannot get a set for the Airfix kit, I ordered an Eduard Hasegawa Set. Although not exact it gave me a head start with the main areas.


I only had to amend a few small areas, although the lower gondola transpaency did require some attention./media/tinymce_upload/1f7168ea0db798e76fdf8a710154b507.JPG 


Once all the masking was done the canopies were sprayed in RLM66, so once the outer camo colours are over-sprayed the inside of the frames will appear the correct interior colour. You may notice the MG's are missing from the cockpit? The canopies are only spot glued so will be removed once all spraying is complete and the MG's added, although this will require some minor (hopefully) touching up it will prevent me snapping all the MG barrels during repeat handling!


A little bit of spraying was then done on the airlerons and tail planes due to the the moving parts of the early airfix tooling. They used to say it makes them move of a toy than an aircraft replica model, at the time I used to disagree but I can now see the logic in that statement.  


You may notice the movable air brakes have been fitted prior to the wing halves being closed. This is 1 area where the old tool Airfix kit is still superior to the new tool Revell kit which has a bland solid lump of plastic to represent the air brake.

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Didn't know you could edit a post with photos after it has been moderated? Anyway I'm away at the moment so will just upload the correct photo when I return............

I hadn't thought of that (such are the Mods powers for their own posts)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having returned from my week away I continued with the build, though I was keen to press on and forgot to take the photos of the progress and the airframe was completed and then sprayed with the primer coat.


The RLM 65 Light Blue colour of the undersides was next. 


The underside towel rail ariel was thick and oversided so it was sanded down until it was alot thinner and more in scale, if not perfect.


Then the masking of the undersides was started .........


Which wasn't easy as I think I added the large under stores hard points too soon, and made difficult masking along the inside of the nacelle and between the hard point.

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The overall Green RLM71 was then sprayed on the top surfaces and the splinter camo pattern was then masked. I find the splinter pattern with straight edges easier to mask than doing a irregular curved camo.


Then the Black Green RLM70 was sprayed. After allowing 24 hrs between coats for them to dry properly all the masking was removed. A couple of elements of the build followed, adding the propellers to the engine cowling, exhaust stubs and the rudder. Only few small areas required touching up with the brush!



Then a coat of Klear was applied prior to the decals being added1

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I don't know what has happen to the last photo above, but it seems to have been rotated during download??


Anyway on with the build and most of the decaling is now done. it was a late decision but I went for my aftermarket decal set of a Ju88 from 3/KG on the eastern front late 1941/42, as I felt the black fuselage codes were slightly larger and less likely to get drowned with the dark camo colours. The stencil set from the kit decals were used.


After another coat of Klear will be applied to protect the decals then I'll remove the canopies and fit the MG's and then try and fill the unsightly gaps at the canopy/fuselage joints!


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The Junkers Ju88 A-4 is now finished:-


Its an old mould but with some care can make up into a reasonable kit. The hardest part is probably the fit of the multi-part canopy and the lack of any canopy frame detailing due to the age of the moulds. They are not perfect but with the masking set I bought to help have turned out better than I had expected.




So thats 2 aircraft completed for my 'Junk Yard'


I still have the Ju 87 and probably a Ju52 to do, to complete my collection. 


Both the Ju86 and Ju88 are old tools from about 1970 and I would like to see Airfix give them both the new tool treatment in the near future  😀. Any comments are welcome about my builds, just don't be too harsh lol ......... !   

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I built one of these a few years ago [~5] after not having made any models for a while. It did not turn out as good as yours. While following your build I remember thinking the upper-surface colours were not quite correct, with one of the greens being a bit too blue for my liking. Then I saw the finIshed model and it does look good. It just shows how lighting conditions can affect photos. Well done on building a good model.

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Thank You both for your comments!


@ Colin M ....... From the very first Airfix kit I bought (or way given as a present) I always loved the clear transparent stands. Fortunately I have quite a stock pile of new and used stands for continued use to display my aircraft in flight.


@ DT ........ It took me a while to get used the new authentic RLM 70/71 colours as the 2 greens have very light contrast. However having looked back at my posts I cannot see which photo had a blue hue to the green. But I will take an additional photo to try and show the splinter camoflague a little better.

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Here's a couple of extra photos to try and show the splinter camo contrast?


The camera doesn't do it justice, still far better to the naked eye. Or maybe I need a better camera and better photography skills lol? Even the dirty wash/weathering is very subtle on the dark upper surfaces.


But the weathering is much more effective on the light blue RLM 65 under surfaces! A close up or 2, to finish off!



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