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Programming my own sound


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I would like to have a play with programming my own sound decoder.

I have read a few forums and it seem that the Hornby Magazine wrote about this back in 2010. I am wondering if anyone has copies of September and October issues.

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Even if a forum member had the two issues you have requested, it would potentially subject them to copyright litigation to photocopy and post here on the forum. You can buy the two editions you have mentioned from the Hornby Magazine 'back issue' department.


September 2010


October 2010



Note that Hornby Hobbies Ltd is not the publisher of the Hornby Magazine. Key Publishing are the copyright holders and use the Hornby name and logo under license from Hornby Hobbies who have no editorial control over the magazine content.


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If you are talking about sound decoders for locos, then you need some kit first - some of it fairly expensive.


For ESU decoders you need a LokProgrammer, the associated downloadable ESU software, and an ESU decoder. It is also handy if you have a decoder test rig rather than doing it in a loco, although there is no reason why not. The ESU site has good tutorials, downloadable manuals and the project files, admittedly mostly continental/American, but a few British.


For other makes of decoder you would likely need their brand specific kit, eg Zimo. Digitrax is apparently somewhat easier, but still needs reading up on from their website to ascertain their method, software and associated kit required.


The above ESU tutorials lead you through the basic common flow chart methodology whereby you build up and assign sound ‘lumps’ to the decoder which are aligned to the various functions. A bit like writing a storyboard for a movie.  Essentially you have three building blocks to assemble and load into the decoder memory.

1. a start sound

2. a middle sound

3. an end sound.

1 and 3 are obviously optional as required and 2 can be a single lump like a whistle or horn or repeated in a loop to give a latched on sound like a fan or coal shovelling. Use the fan as an example, it comes up to speed (1), runs at constant speed - short bytes in a loop (2) and then runs down to a stop (3). A single tone horn is a one shot byte (2) whereas a two tone horn is two separate sound bytes played once each in sucession as (2).


You then need to build a range of sounds for chuffing and coasting or notching up and down a speed range.

You have to do this for every different sound you want your decoder to play.

You then have to make these sounds react to instruction, such as function on or off, throttle up or down, etc.


As with anything like this its a fairly complex process made easier by repetition. You can use library sounds or record your own.


Note that TTS decoders cannot be rewritten after their initial write. What you have with those is what you have.


Best of luck with the learning curve.





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Thanks for the info Rob, I'll keep looking around and I will master this.

It's just that there a really good articale in the Hornby Magazine I would be interested to read, and law of the ??? you can't get September 2010 back issue. and wonder if anyboby had a copy. Nevermind!

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