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Railmaster Elite

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Having purchased a used Railmaster elite system, I have downladed the software including using the key account details.

Everything hs been successful apart from the PC will not pick up the track connection.

Does anyone have any ideas.

All downloads have been carried out.


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The phrasing of your written text does not (unfortunately) give a lot of clarity to your exact problem. So I suggest you work your way through the installation process again from the very beginning using the guidance resource pages linked to below:


Follow all the guidance given 'step by step' in these RailMaster help pages. The rectangular boxes when clicked will open screen grabs that go with the written text.




PS - Do you actually mean Elite or do you mean eLink. These are two completely different things. The Elite is black and silver with a LCD display and a pair of controller knobs and press buttons. The eLink is a plain black box with no display or controls on it. They both work with RailMaster, but the Elite will also work stand alone without RailMaster using its own buttons and controls.


What exactly do you mean by your phrase "the PC will not pick up the track connection"?


If you do indeed have an Elite and not an eLink. Then can you successfully control the layout using the Elite buttons and knobs?


If you can, then you probably just have an easily fixed communication issue between the Elite and the RM software that we can help you with.

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