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Turn off DC option on loco decoder


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Hi.  I want to turn off the DC option on one of  my locos which takes off at an alarming rate whenever there is a track short circuit antwhere on my layout.  I understand why it happens and that CV29 can be changed to cancel the option of using the loco on vanilla DC.  Can someone give me a "Heads Up" on what to change. please?

The loco is a 4-4-0 Compund with a TTS chip.  The value of CV29 is 038 and the string is 99 20 29 38 76.

I think I nearly understand that one bit has to be changed but I don't want to break anything!

Advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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Many thanks howbiman - I shall try that over the weekend.  Is it worth making this change to all my locos (40 odd)?  So far I've not had any damaged but I nearly lost one today and the toys aren't cheap.  Thanks also for the calculator link - not sute that I'll understand it but I'll give it a go.  Thanks again. PB
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