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Soundtrack/bm 36-558 chip not working


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I have 2 class 423 vep 4-car units with dcc fitted chips. Both have stopped working. the lights are still working but no forward or reverse motion. Have tried resetting chips (successfully I assume as reset to id 3). Still no movement. Any ideas / help would be appreciated.

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Hi Stephen, you haven’t given us much to go on there, but let me see what I can infer from the information you’ve given and ask some questions. 


Are your class 423s Hornby or another brand?  And you say DCC fitted, so I’m assuming bought new with decoders installed?


What controller are you using?  I know it can’t be a Select so, if Hornby, it must be one of Elite standalone, Elite with RM or eLink/RM? 


You say lights still working, does that include directional front and rear lights?  And if so does still working mean they change direction when you attempt to change the direction of the train, even though it doesn’t move?


Did both fail at the same time (one stopped, tried the other and it also didn’t work) or at different times?

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ok. More details. using elite and rm. both failed at different times. Lights are fixed not directional but have front and rear on/off on function 0 and coach lights on/off function 1. 

It may be a problem with the motor rather than the chip. There was no degradation prior to the failure though.

any suggestions.

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The Elite firmware was updated at version 1.42 to better support Bachmann decoders and from memory yours were one of the problematic ones.


Oddly some decoders would respond perfectly in one chassis but the same decoder would be awry in a different model type.


What is the revision state of your Elite.



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What are the chances it's the motor and not the decoder?


You said two Class 423 have BOTH stopped working. For BOTH locos to have developed the same motor / decoder fault at exactly the same time would seem improbable. I think you need to consider some common denominators (external to the locos themselves) to look for the source of your fault. What to look for however....I have no suggestions.

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Buy a tester...?


A multi-meter tester is essential in my view and that can be used to test voltage, current (amps) and resistance (ohms) as well as check diodes and other things with the more sophisticated models. You can get a half decent one for a tenner or a pro-version for hundreds.


A decoder tester is essentially a test board that connects to your controller and mounts a range of decoder sockets, a motor, some leds and usually a speaker. This is used to check a decoder works before you put it into a loco and you can also adjust any and all settings according to if your controller is so capable. ESU make a good one or with a bit of ingenuity you can make your own basic tester using an old motor, some leds and resistors and a decoder socket, usually 8-pin or 21-pin.


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You could try resetting the Elite.  This has been known to cure all kinds of problems but may not cure your problem.  Also recommend updating the Elite firmware to the latest version, just in case.

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They did not stop worling at the same time.

They do have the same problem, functions work motion doesn't.

Seems like best bet is to send them away for replacement motor or decoder, hopefully when they are being repaired they will be able to determine what the problem is and what created the problem.

Thanks for the ideas and suggestions.

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