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New Hornby DB 08 Shunter hot motor problem....


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Hi all, not posted on here for a while but still see some of the old members still about...

I purchased my 08 from my local dealer knowing the tts chip had been removed. Not a problem as was going to fit my own choice of sound anyway.

Today i have been running it round on analogue but it kept stalling randomly nowhere in particular and also speeding up and slowing down on its own.

Removed the body to see if i could see why but nothing is obvious to my eye.

Again, trying it now on my rolling road and the motor is getting very hot, i have tried another Hornby blanking plate just in case. Same problem.

So glad i hadnt fitted a chip yet as probably would be toast now.

Cheers guys.

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From that - I'd say that something is binding in the gearset or around the wheels. Has it been run on dirty track, and picked up  load of fluff?

If there's nothing obviously wrong, take it back to the shop for exchange. If you start taking it to bits, you will void the guarantee.

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Just to clarify..... Are you running this loco without a decoder on a DCC system using address zero?

If so, are you aware this is not a recommended practice?  The motor will begin to heat up due to the way the DCC system stretches the wave form.   It becomes far worse if the loco is stopped and the DCC system returned to normal DCC operation, as then full rail volts are being fed to the motor causing it to microscopically hunt back and fore a little at very high speed, causing the motor coils to heat up and eventually they can burn out!  See Hornby warning re DC operation  Quote from Select manual... "However, this practice is not recommended, it is better to fit decoders to all your locomotives."

However, if youre using a DC controller then overheating is either due to a defective motor coil or tight/sticking gear or wheel set or motion rod binding etc.

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