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Engines stopping when points are changed


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I have a Hornby layout (the two basic ovals, but with an added loop in the very centre) using DCC (powered by the Elite). I have recently had a problem where engines cut out if the points from the outer to the middle loops are 'thrown'. There are both Hornby Right hand Insulfrog points.

I have provided a photo of the area affected. Please note that ballasting is not an issue. This problem has only happened recently, long after ballast was laid. (Sorry for blurry photo.)




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NOTE TO ALL.........


Because Peter posted an image late on Friday, it was held back for moderation till this morning. Thinking his post had fallen into a black hole, Peter posted his question again (this time without the image). His question has been answered and concluded in the other duplicate thread.


It is therefore not necessary to add further replies to this particular thread.


The revised question in the duplicate post gave additional supplementary detail that gave a more conclusive clue to what the root cause of the fault was.


The other duplicate question thread can be viewed here:


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