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Dead Class 08 (Mixed Freight)?


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Hi everyone, I've finally committed myself and brought a Mixed Freight set, from the well know auction site for £110, wanted to know if railway modelling really is for me, and I'm happy to say it is.

So I set it up, everything worked fine to begin

with, then the Class 08 kept stopping, so I decided to clean the track, and to seemed to fix the problem, so I did a bit of 'running in', 15-20 minutes forward, 15-20 backward at half speed (12 O'Clock on knob). Both Class 08 and 'Jinty' running well, so I

decided to stop them and place the rolling stock on the track, I went to reverse the Class 08 upto the 2 wagons, nothing, so I moved the Class 08 to another piece of track, nothing, even on the power track nothing.

When it's on the track it seems to

hum as I turn the know, but nothing happens, I've even tried reprogramming it, but nothing. 'Jinty' as been a dream, smooth as silk on every part of the track, I can even set the acceleration to 99 (slowest) and she'll run fine, so I know the track is ok.


fear the Class 08 is dead in some way, maybe she had a problem before I brought the set. I'm really frustrated coz the reason I brought the `Mixed Freight was coz it had two locos and the Class 08 is quite powerful, happily (when it worked) pulled Jinty and

all four wagons from the dead spot in the points when I stopped her in the wrong place, where as Jinty struggles just to pull the Class 08 with two wagons. I've already ordered track to expand some having two locos was a real plus since I'm just starting out.


ideas, help, similar experiences please do comment. I've emailed Hornby CS but I'm really not holding out much hope since I didn't buy it nex, kinda wishing I had now, but pennies dictate.

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Hi Mark

see if it has picked any thing up and jambed the rods connecting the wheels
see if the rods have not been bent while moving it on and off the track
take the body off and see if there is anything inside jambing the motor/drive gear

the pickups are making good contact with the wheels ( a known problem with this loco)
check the wireing from decoder to motor/pickups are not shorting out

as a last result try resetting the decoder ( write 8 into CV 8 )

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Was it a Buy It Now from an Ebay business seller Mark? If so, you should contact them about the problem. I always turn the power off when removing/replacing locos on the track.
Mike, you can't reset decoders with the Select which is the controller that

comes with that set.
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In addition to all the good advice given, you might reset the Select and/or find a friend that can reset the decoder ( most good model shops will do this for you).

The wheels have to be really clean as well - its doesn't take much to bring them

to a halt as they don't have much pickup.

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Thanks guys for your replies and advice.

No it wasn't a BuyIt Now :(

I've reset the Select controller, I've checked the pickups, both touching the wheels, the unit seems wheel contains so seeing if the rods are jamnmed is very difficult.

The wiring seems ok, but I'm no expert, the wires are fixed pretty well the the unit.

I'll try giving the wheels a good clean, but not holding out much hope tbh.

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hi, one of my trains also seems to have 'died' in much the same way as yours.

I see you pull one train with another (loco pulling loco). I tried this at first but stopped as i wasnt sure if it would damage either train (puuller or pulled).

Could someone offer advice as to this being a safe policy or not?

Out of interest, im taking my dead train to my local repair shop.

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Without taking the body off again I'm pretty it's a 4 pin plug in type, there's 3 or 4 wires going to the motor, soldered, 2 red (I

think) 1 orange and one black. Tiny decoder is tucked into a slot on left side (at the back (and 4 pin plug/socket in tucked into clip in the right side).
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When i got the same set i had the same problem with the same loco, i sent it to a local model shop to reset the decoder, it worked,5 mins later back on the phone with 'em. i realised that possibly the environment the layout is in and any other unusual

aspects such as a little spec of dust on the track= £5 repair for me.i removed the mody ad put a slight weight inside to give it more stability and ALL WHEELS ON THE TRACK. i done all thi around a month ago and i have had no issues since,i didn't buy it off

ebay, my parnets got it for me from the Hornby Visitor Centre Shop for a christmas present
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