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Decoder programmer on bread board


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Here's a schematic for a circuit I used on a bread board to program the address on a Hornby decoder and to confirm my thoughts that the circuitry for directional lighting is built into the decoder circuits not on the loco main pcb. You could program CVs with this, but can't test them until installed in the loco.


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The control for directional lighting is built into the decoder.

Where DCC Ready locos have directional lighting factory installed it has to operate on DC or DCC so the resistors (and associated diodes for direction) are normally built into the loco pcb.


With your rig as is take care not to apply throttle or your 100 ohm resistor in lieu of a motor will get hot and may burn out.


My similar veroboard rig has a white led for fwd lights, red led for rear lights, green led for Aux 1 and yellow led for Aux2 in attempt to  match the function use. See here... http://myweb.cytanet.com.cy/honnor/article4.html


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Hi Rob, thanks for the info. I checked out your rig, good idea with the motor, I think I have a few spares I could use. I was going to make a more permenant rig using vero board and 8 pin socket, just as you have. I did a quick setup on the bread board just to test if the circuitry was right, the colour LEDs I've used were relevent to what I was using the functions for. When I do a permanent rig, I'll use colour coded LEDs as you have. There's an easy way to get coloured LEDs (Eg: purple), you take a white LED and dab a bit of acrylic paint on it. I did a string of 30 one Christmas, because I could only find white or blue fairy lights in the shops, I wanted multi-coloured.

Cheers, Rich

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Here's a photo of my rig. The pieces of dark green wire you can see, are just holding the wires from the decoder in the bread board holes (Except one which bridges the left and right + bus bar at top of board. /media/tinymce_upload/ecd64a124322a6163a806f9c8f4f6859.jpg

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It is just possible to follow which functions are on in your video by way of the Elite screen indicators. It works well.


I use a breadboard all the time to prove a circuit works before I build it proper. Its handy for swapping out resistors to get led brightness correct. Very useful tool.



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