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TTS sound decoder R8109


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Hi I have just purchased tts sound decoder Hornby R8109, I fitted it to Star class Glastonbury Abbey but when I trid to proggramme the decoder the locomotive just set off down the track and couldn't be controlled.

Then I fitted the decoder to Star class Knight of the Grand Order,same result.

I am using a Digitrax DCS 100 and throttle DT400, I would appreciate any guidance in trying to find out what the problem could be.

I contacted Digitrax but they just said talk to Hornby

Regards jaetrain

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I cannot believe the number of other make manufacturers or retailers who say its Hornby’s problem.

If I were running any manufacturer’s support desk I would be offering basic operating advice for my kit, e.g. do this, then do that and report back.

If things then weren’t working per my usual operating procedures then I would refer the user back to the next bit of kit maker.

First make sure you are following the basic steps for using your kit which should work with any compliant DCC stuff. If there is still a problem then fault find onto the next likely item and so on.


My immediate thought on this problem is he is programming on the main and what is seen is what might happen, because a programming track does not apply enough current to make a loco runaway so he can’t be using one of those.


I wonder why you thought fitting the decoder to another loco would make any difference to the outcome. 


The errant programming decoders would program one way only when placed on track, but not if placed facing the other way. If you contact HCC they will advise if your decoder is one of these. Hornby R&D also test their own decoders and controllers against a wide range of other manufacturers decoders and controllers so you can be sure any interface problems will have been found and resolved.



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Small world jaetrain.


Although DCC convention states you cannot change a loco address on the main I have been able to write a short address into CV1 on the main. You could try that if your controller allows it. I used that method when my Elite Prog output was duff.


Did you try programming it facing both directions on the prog track as that was a prime indicator it was an affected decoder.


Failing that tell HCC which controller you are using when you ask for a decoder reprogram.


Let the forum know how you get on.



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EDIT: First part of my original reply edited out for being irrelevant. Should have read the original question more closely.


There are a batch of TTS decoders in the supply chain that have faulty firmware in them. These faulty TTS decoders exhibit control issues primarily with non Hornby controllers. Hornby are offering free firmware upgrades if affected.


See this previous 'Hornby Administration' post:



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