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C7042 power base with land changers curved new and old


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Does the Scalextric New and Old curved lane changers work with the C7042?   I'm on my 2nd ARC Pro (C8435) power base, both didn't work at all on the lane 2.  Lane 1 would work but not through straight lane change.   Double click different color on PB the car would "Jump" 1.5 inch and quit.   Straight lane changes (2) would stop when entering "Other" lane just past crossover.   Should I go to the C7042?  Shound I go to the C7042 with ARC Pro?  I changed batteries in controllers (5), switched transformers left and right, put in new transformer. Last set up was with plain oval, no lane changers.  I have not Moded any of the lane changers.  I have 1 new curve changer and 1 old curve changer.  I use the Scalextric sport track with digital upgrades.  Please help, sgtada

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Much may depend on whether you still run Analogue or not. There are some simple solutions to make the ARC Pro work with all the old changers in Digital but you would not be able to run Analogue.


If you want to run analogue please say so and you will get an answer suited to your need.

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Hi sgtaga, just wondering if the ARC PRO is switched to analog mode? The small slider switch on the side of the power base switches from analog to digital (digital is with the switch position farthest from the track). In analog mode lane changers would not function actively but if manually set to change, the car would stop as it crosses to the other lane - unless both controllers are pressed. This, I believe’ matches the problems you are seeing?



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