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Programming- Elite or RailMaster

Guest Chrissaf

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Firstly, I assume you mean RailMaster and not Trackmaster (Trackmaster is a track layout design software tool.....it is RailMaster that is used for programming loco decoders).


What exactly do you mean by "......when I use the Elite, the functions don’t seem to match when I open up Trackmaster (assume you mean RailMaster)?"


What functions? give an example please.


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Yes I mean Railmaster.  I have always used my Hornby Elite for programming the loco using a programming track then sync with Railmaster however, the functions horn, engine start up etc do not correspond with the loco information that is provided with the loco In Railmaster !


i am only new so please be patient.

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Is it better to use my Hornby Elite or Trackmaster Pro for programming Locos,  when I use the Elite the functions don’t seem to match when I open up Trackmaster?

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What loco R number are you trying to set up?


Since you mention horn and engine start up it must be a sound loco. Is it a TTS? TTS locos are notorious for not having correct function labelling in the database for some of the TTS models.


TIP: When inputting the Hornby R number for a TTS loco in the loco set up screen search box, only use the T suffix rather than TTS (example RnnnnT rather than RnnnnTTS) using the full TTS sometimes doesn't find the loco.


Assuming that you have called up the correct loco from the RailMaster database then normally the function list will match what is shown on the instruction sheet that is included with the loco. However, in cases where the function labels do NOT match, then the function button labels can easily be editied within the loco setup screen to match what is documented on the instruction sheet included with the loco in the box.


This previous post gives an example of setting up function buttons with a further link to some screen shots in a step by step tutorial. It probably won't be exactly your loco (as you haven't said what loco it is) but it should give you an overview process to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.


See third reply down on this page....follow the embedded links within the reply for more detailed information with the screen shots.




Important Note: If a sound needs to lock on such as engine start for example, the Function button label MUST contain the phrase "on/off" (without the " " quotation marks).


In answer to your question:

Is it better to use my Hornby Elite or RailMaster Pro for programming Locos?


This is down to personal choice, whatever you find easier. Either way isn't better than the other, just different. Personally, I prefer using RailMaster rather than my Elite. I prefer using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) as there is less button pressing and knob twiddling, plus the benefit of visual feedback of what is being done to the DCC decoder.


PS - I'm always patient. And since as a newbie you are intitially restricted to just two posts I shall have to be even more patient to find out if I have answered your question to your satisfaction 😉


The 2 post newbie posting restriction will be lifted soon on your forum account. It is there to stop spamming autobots from flooding the forum with junk posts.

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All RailMaster (RM) is doing, is controlling your Elite via GUI 'Graphical User Interface' so if you program your locos on a separate programming track when using the Elite, then you do exactly the same when using RM.


For information: The Elite has three CV programming modes. Direct mode programming, Operate mode programming and Paged mode programming. Direct mode programming requires the loco with the decoder to be placed on a separate programming track connected to the 'PROG A&B' terminals on the Elite and is the DEFAULT programming mode used by the Elite. RM can ONLY access the 'Direct mode' programming mode of the Elite. Therefore with RM, you must use the Elite 'PROG A& B' output terminals when programming loco decoder CVs.

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In the OP you say the functions don’t seem to match up in RM to those set on the Elite.


If yours are TTS decoders then the physical functions (actions or noises) are fixed to their corresponding F number as listed in a particular decoder user manual.


What RM does is pull a list of functions from its database and these listings can be different for different R numbered locos as explained by Chris previously.


In general all one would do is give a loco an address using the Elite then list that loco by R number against that address to populate the correct function list.


Having done that you can operate the functions either from RM or directly from the Elite.



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