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Shifted Cobalt Digital IP adress

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Hi all contributors,

I use two DCC central : 

1. Railmaster with elink

2. DR5000 digikeijs with Traincontroller

i noticed that the adress of my cobalt digital IP for my turnouts, are shifted by 4 poistion with RM, compared with DR5000. Of course it is not a problem if you work only with the same DCC central,  for programming the Cobalt and using it.

In my case i had to program my cobalt adresse from number 1 with DR5000, and i report the adress on RM layout from number 5. and it works fine.

Do some contributor on this forum noticed  the same issue ? i knew that the same problem exists with the Roco centrals wich are not full compliant with standard DCC. i noticed it on lay out of my modeling club in using roco mutimaus. 

But for RM i find it strange..

thanks for your replies.


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There was an anomaly with Hornby kit in that points addressing was 3 off from ‘standard’. I.e. select point 1 and point 4 fired. This led to introduction of a Standard and Classic mode for the Elite controller. RM uses the Elite in Standard protocol, which is likely also the norm for eLink.


I also use Rocrail and the same 3-offset problem was seen in the early days of using Hornby kit and an adjustment was made in the code to cater for it, i.e. you can now tick a box to use either protocol.


It may be that your 2 controllers are seeing the same problem.


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