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TTS decoder princess coronation


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Hi my TTS decoder keeps resetting when I press a Function button like a whistle or the coal shoveling ,I have rigged it up to set It with a digitrax Zephyr Xtra and A can Motor to set it up before fitting it, I tried resseting it with CV 8 and it still dose it any idea why the motor comes to a stop and the decoder restarts with the steam let off sounds you get at the beginning  and the motor restarts and it starts chuffing again

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I have seen a similar fault when I used my track after a long time of inactivity. The sound was OK when standing but as soon as throttle was applied it did the same as yours is doing.


After giving the track and locos a good clean all was well.


I would also check your loco pickups are good whislt you are cleaning the wheels



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