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Crossing from one dcc control to another


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Thanks to previous help on this forum I have now set up my system to run with dc control when my grandchildren stay! and dcc control for myself. I looked at two suggested solutions; wires from the rails into a choc box and then into the dcc controller and alternatively linking the rails togther with the Hornby linkage wires. Both worked ok.

My system is set so that the grandchildren can run two dc trains at once, the outer track has a number of runs off it as has the inner track. I decided to keep this as is was and as I have two dcc controllers simply replace the dc controllers with dcc when I wanted. All connections are dcc and it works very well. It also means that I could if I wished run twice the number of trains as one controller would permit.

I know that I can run a train across points from one dc controlled area to another so long as the speed and direction of the second area matches the first. My question is, can I do this with dcc trains also. I could try it but I was wondering if it could damage the dcc unit in the train. I have not been brave enough to try it and wondered if anyone has information on this.



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Absolutely not Roman!  You will likely damage both controllers. You cannot under any circumstances have 2 DCC controllers connected to each other and that will happen when the wheels of a loco bridge from one track to the other as it crosses over. 

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Is the reason you want both DCC and DC control, because your Grandchildrens' trains are DC?


My layout is fully DCC and is regularly used by my Grandchildren and they have a controller each.  It depends which controllers you have but the Hornby Elite and Hornby Select can be connected together, using the special (R8266) Hornby lead.  The Select acts like a Slave controller.  It does not use it's own power supply (and that is the key to being able to have the 2 controllers), it uses the power from the Elite.


There are limitations with the Select, in terms of the range of DCC id's it can accept but it is ideal for giving the children a controller of their own.

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Hi RDS. My grandchildren are 5 and 6 so I dont really want them using the dcc trains at present. I want them to learn on a dc unit and enjoy it and then as they get a little older they could appreciate the dcc system all the more. My controllers are bachman EZ so cant be connected together although Bachman used to make a slave controller which could independantly operate an additionsl four trains but its only available second hand.

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Hi Roman

What a coincidence, exactly the same age as mine.  Personally at that age, I don't think they give any consideration at all to how it works but I like them to be able to select any Train on my Layout and move it from anywhere to anywhere.

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I have 3 controillers on my layout which runs the NCE Power Cab system with 2 slave controllers.  You can run an elite with Selects as walkabout.  Refer to the Elite and Select manuals for advice on using multiple Hornby DCC controllers.

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