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hornby shunter


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Hi, I have a Hornby BR 0-6-0 08 shunter no. 08201 that I wish to convert to DCC. I would like to buy a motor and retainer, with pickups on either side. Can anyone tell me are these still available for this model, and if so, are they available from Hornby and which part number should I look out for.



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It would have helped immensely if you could have stated the model R number. Looking for a Class 08 with the 08201 running number, I found this....an R.780. However, there is always a possibility that there is a different R number model with the same 08201 running number. So just treat the information below as a possible loco match.


Service Sheet Index

I suggest you bookmark the 'Service Sheet Index' link above for future reference. It will save you time when undertaking your own future research for parts.




Hornby R.780 Service Sheet 114

Hornby R.780 Motor Service Sheet 81B


Note that the two service sheet PDFs above (subject to how your browser is configured) may not display on screen. If nothing appears to happen when clicking the links, look in your nominated browser download folder as the PDFs may download silently to it in the background.


The online documents above will tell you the Hornby part numbers. However, you will need to research the part numbers in the above documents yourself for parts availability. In the first instance, try Peter's Spares. In the second instance, try searching eBay. Parts for this model are unlikely to be available direct from Hornby, it is just too old. Hornby don't even host the service sheets for this age of model. The links above are for a third party service sheet information resource.


The R.780 model has an X.03 Motor. These motors can potentially draw a lot of current. Too much current for Hornby's basic R8249 DCC decoder. I suggest that before choosing a more powerful decoder to fit (either the Hornby R8245 Sapphire decoder or another non Hornby brand), that you undertake a 'stall test' to determine the level of motor current support required in the choice of decoder.


The stall test 'How To' instructions are not clear in one respect. The DC controller that you use to perform the test, must be capable of providing more current than that consumed by the loco during the test, else you will potentially get a false result. This means that the cheap Hornby train set controllers like the R8250 are not really suitable for performing this test as their maximum current output is too low. Ideally, you need a DC controller with an output of more than 1 amp and preferably 2 amps.


The 114 Service Sheet indicates that this loco uses the chassis as a motor electrical return path. This will require the model to be modified to isolate the motor from the chassis. These previous posts give detailed 'How To' guidance.



As above but with 'step by step' guidance with images - see pages 3 & 4


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If you look at the Hornby Spares > Motor and Gears area of New Railway Modellers shop and scroll down the page there are the several 0-6-0 chassis variants, giving a very brief exlanation of the modified differences.


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Thank you all for your replies. I had a good look at the loco, and in tiny writing, I found the number R156. I connected up a motor I had  to a 1amp decoder and it is running fine. I did however connect the red and black wires directly to the two wires from the controller. What I need is a motor retainer with the two pickups attached. The motor is turning the wheels just fine. The retainer I have has no pickups attached. 


Thanks Again,


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If you look at the Service Sheet 114 I gave a link for. In the small print it says that most parts are applicable to the R.156 as well. All the part numbers you need will be on one or other of the two service sheets I gave links for.


Please do take the time to read the two 'How To' posts I gave links for. There is invaluable information in them that you will need to heed.


X598 Pickup Spring (Taken from Service Sheet 114)

X298 Motor Brush Clip (Taken from Service Sheet 114)


Not too sure what you mean by the term 'retainer'. Do look at sheet 114 to identify the correct name for the part you want.


For the elimination of doubt, this model ONLY HAS PICKUPS ON ONE SIDE of the wheel axles. The other side uses the 'chassis'. Hence the 'How To' links I provided that show how to use the chassis return with a decoder. If you fail to follow the documented instructions, you will damage the decoder.

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Hi Chrissaf, The part I refer to as the retainer, is the plastic frame that holds the motor, maybe I have got the name wrong. I see in Peter Spares that they have a motor , Hornby x8809dm DCC 0-6-0 motor and pickups complete. Would this work on my train, or would I be wasting my money?.



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The dm bit of the part number denotes digital modified, hence it has a four pin decoder plug fitted.

To use it on analogue you either need the same part number less the d bit or just modify the wiring yourself.

The chassis my also need mods...



Peters Spares and New Railway Modellers Shop show the motor in detail. Click on the pictures for a bigger view.


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May I suggest you need to start by checking the service sheet as Chris and Rob have suggested. That way you will find the part numbers you are looking for. If you are then looking at different part numbers, the supplier should be able to tell you whether they are compatible or not. You won’t be able to do any of that though until you know the correct parts from the sheet. 

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Another R.156 post that appeared after this thread has indicated that Hornby Service Sheet 139 and/or 139A may possibly be a closer match to your loco. These two sheets are downloadable from the same index link given in the first reply.

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