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Swap Loksound V4 for TTS ?


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Hi all.

I have the high detail Hornby class 08 shunter, it came with a Loksound V4 sound decoder loaded with the Hornby 08 sound file. 

My thoughts are to downgrade /replace this with a Hornby TTS diesel decoder (possibly the class 20) and to send the Loksound V4 to be re-blown with a BR steam sound-file.  This would allow me to achieve high quality sound in one of my steam locos, and a reasonable diesel sound on my Hornby 08 . 

Question - does anyone see any technical issues with this plan ?



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Your 08 will likely have a 21-pin socket hence you will need a 21/8-pin adapter to fit the 8-pin TTS decoder and finding room to fit this may be a problem. See the service sheets for both the XS and TTS variants for more details.


You may be able to get an 08 TTS decoder on eBay as some examples have been split from factory fitted TTS models.


My TTS 08 and 20 do not sound much the same.


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Hi Thanks for replies.

It bothers me somewhat that I have a good Loksound decoder going to waste in an 08 diesel, when a TTS diesel decoder would probably do perfectly well. This would allow me to fit the Loksound into a good steamer, which would probably suffer if I tried to use a TTS decoder in it .

I need to check if my 08 has a 21 pin socket, if it has then that could be a game-changer due to available space for an adaptor. ( I don't really want to hard wire it).


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The other thing is to ask one of the sound suppliers if they can reblow a Hornby ESU decoder as it may be locked as a proprietary chip for Hornby. Some of these guys are active on RM Web DCC Sound forum.


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RAF - Now there's a good point, I had just been reading the manual that came with the loco, and it does say something along  the lines of "the decoder is designed for or can only be used with a Hornby 08".

So on that basis, I will abandon my plan !.

Many thanks, Pete.

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