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Cloning Locos in RM


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Does anyone know how to simply clone a loco in RM. I have three identical 'locos' all with an identical list of 29 sound functions - but not associated with any existing or even close enough R-number, and they obviously need their own IDs.


I have added the first one and set the function descriptions, now I would like to add the other two using that same function set and obviously without having to enter all the functions again twice.


I know I can change a loco ID but that doesn't keep the original loco, it just amends the existing loco to a new RM address. Is there a back door method I can use say in the RM folder resource files, where I can save-as the first one again and again.



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Probably the only way (if at all) would be to directly edit the resource.mdb database file i.e copying, pasting & editing the appropriate lines within it. Ray (St1ngr4y) could probably advise on what editing software could be used to do it.

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Although I have Access on the Train-PC it will not open the resource.mdb file for some reason, so I opened it as an Excel file without problems.


I could then simply copy and paste twice, as you suggested, the appropriate line, amend the loco description and addresses but when I go to save it there is no .mdb option in the file type pull,down and even as a .xls variant it refuses to save it to the RM folder.


I realise it is wise to first rename the existing RM resource.mdb file in case it goes awry, but it won’t even let me do that.


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Ray I do remember when I was working that there were 2 versions of Access and nary the twain would speak to each other's files, but that was some condierable time back.


I use Office 2007 on this PC. The other PCs/iPad use that trial version, which I do not like.


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All well and good Chris but I cannot get past this splash screen, except by picking a file from top right... 




which gives me the error screen again.






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I don't have MS Access on my PC and have never used it. Have you looked at the 'file properties' in Windows Explorer to see if the 'Read Only' attribute is set as per the dialoge box message.

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The best I've managed today is to read the resource.mdb file into Excel, save it as a spreadsheet, then IMPORT it into Access from the Excel file. But even if you could then add the clones you want, I doubt if Access would be able to save it in the format required by Railmaster.


I think you have more chance of achieving your object if you add the the ability to copy (clone) a loco definition to the Desirable Features thread.  😉



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  • 4 weeks later...


...once a loco is listed with all the functions defined, etc it is possible to change the loco ID and RM will list this as a new loco with all the same functions and settings as before, whilst retaining the previous loco.


This process can be repeated ad infinitum. Any redundant loco IDs can be deleted.


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So if I have this right Rob, you simply open an existing loco, change the ID and save it and you now have a new loco as well as the original?  As opposed to changing the ID and writing it to the loco, in which case you have only 1 loco with a changed ID?

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Correct Fishy.

The three vehicles in play were already addressed direct from the Elite/Select as 04, 05 and 06, and I had a demo vehicle listed with all the functions in RM on address 03.


I pulled up the 03 demo and used the change ID icon to give it a new address 04 in RM and it listed that as a new vehicle with the same functions list. Repeat for the other two 05 and 06.


I then went back and deleted 03 from the RM list.

Then it was back into RM programs to amend the addresses and check the sounds program worked across all three vehicles.


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