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Controlling Separate Tracks with One Controller

Basil N.

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Hi people,

I know next to nothing about train control and have a very basic question. I want to build a little layout with two track circuits that are not connected by track, because one will be laid at baseboard level and the other raised on bridges etc. above it. Question is, will I be able to wire the two track systems together so that one DCC controller can control them both?

Cheers, Basil

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Hi Basil, welcome to the Forum...........yes you can use one DCC controller for all your track whether on one or more baseboards.  The principle of DCC is all the track is live but only the locos you have addressed will move so, for example, you could have 10 locos standing in sidings and two running from just the one DCC controller...........HB

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I was worried I might have to try running an impossibly steep gradient down from the upper level so I can join the two track circuits with a point.


Think about that logically Basil. Any track you put in as a gradient to link the two levels together, is just an electrical connection between the two track levels. This is more easily done with just a pair of wires to make that connection. Having actual physical track to do it just isn't necessary.


Do not use the Hornby R8201 Link wires to make this connection between the two track levels. The R8201 clips are Analogue and are not suited to DCC operation. You can however convert these clips to DCC operation by prising them apart and removing the capacitors soldered between the track rail connectors (both clips).



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