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ARC pro questions in Digital Forum


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Finally got around to converting my Scaly Digital to Arc Pro.  I'm scouring the forums for which tracks are compatible, which are not, which require "MODS" and which just to throw away.  Is the Digital Forum the correct place for Arc Pro track questions?

If anyone has a "pre built" list of forum topics or a singular forum topic that covers a comprehensive guide on this transition, please let me know.  

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Hi Chris. Yes, you’re in the right place - although the ARC sub-forum would be perfect too...


In terms of compatibility, it fairly simple: ARC Pro requires the two lanes through the powerbase to be kept isolated. That means, if you keep the powerbase unmodified that analogue crossovers must be used in pairs; any curved digital lane changers must be modified; any pit entry pieces must add lanes and can’t reduce down to a single lane (ie a single lane chicane). The only other thing to mention is that power taps must connect the same rails of the same lanes.


Having said all that, there are two mods that convert the ARC Pro powerbase so it behaves like an old digital pb and you can ignore all the above info. 


The first mod mod is simple, but loses the analogue mode of ARC Pro:  https://www.slotforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=169186


The second mod is not so simple, but retains analogue mode: https://www.slotforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=171194


The guys who have researched the mods will answer questions over on Slot Forum.


For me, I use an unmodded ARC Powerbase. I have no analogue crossovers or curved digital lane changers in my current layout, although I am looking at modding a curved lane changer for a planned new layout.


Hope that helps.

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While there is a bit of overlap with ARC PRO because it is digital we prefer users post questions in the above mentioned sub-forum.

The reason being amyn users assume since you are using an APP it is a digital set and also because ARC PRO is the de facto digfital Scalextric offering now.

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Thanks for the info, that helps a metric TON.  Simple power swap connectors and I can use all my parts and pieces, what a deal !!!.  I'm currently limited to two posts a day, forum still thinks I'm a new user,  so sorry for not getting back to you sooner.  This means my posts may be a bit longer since I only get two.  

I finished redoing my layout.  I'm migrating from the Digital PB 6 car to the Arc Pro.  My space is 12'x10' platform.  It's retractable into the ceiling so I'm sorta limited on vertical changes in height on the track.  I also wanted both a high speed oval as well as a road course.  I figured out a solution requiring me to swap some track pieces when wanting to change between the two.  Not the best but it works.

A few key aspects.  On the oval course, well, pretty straight forward.  Looking forward to some high speed side by side racing.

On the Road Course, I love the pit lane.  It forces users to consciously have to make a lane change exiting the pit row to get back to the track, otherwise they just loop through pit lane again.  I expect some excellent swearing and rage anger on that one.  I also made adjustments to give a marshal room in the middle of the road course.  In the past, marshals were stuck on the outside of the track and being 12'x10' made getting to interior cars when they derail a real pain.  I think I solved that issue.

Of course, I welcome any feedback, especially if I did something wrong.  Too bad Scalextric doesn't make a straight pass through that you can manually lock into place.  Like model railroads, it's a straight piece but it has a turn built in that can redirect the train onto a turn instead of straight ahead.  Then swapping between oval and road course would be a breeze, just set the two passthroughs for both entrance and exit of the road course.  Ah, one can dream..../media/tinymce_upload/85e6330ef9c7813005b65e6c42fe8346.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/a3b8d998d29e12ade81ce712b73afa3e.JPG

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You have a lot of crash potential on the road course...the R2 crossovers and R1 squeeze (chicanes) can cause havoc.

Is the single lane next to the pit some sort of penaly lane?

Remember because of the wireless controls racers can be all over the track...

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The road course is for more experienced drivers, so, although I expect a few more crashes it was designed with that in mind. The single lane next to the garages in pit lane is cosmetic, I'll probably throw some extra cars on there for asthetics, since the pit garages are there, thought it would be nice.  

As far as penalties are concerned, luckily, I haven't had a need to use it.  Most of the experience racers are in it for the challenge and are very sportsmanlike.  New racers are so sporadic, I don't think it would make a difference.

I may put another straight lane change after the first R1 squeeze, so a racer can swap  to the outside lane to help keep momentum.

I'm researching how to effectively do power taps with the Arc Pro after I make the mod, I think it should be the same as with the Digital 6PB.  I learned with larger tracks power taps are absolutely necessary.

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That’s certainly an ambitious track. I do like ovals that can be converted to road courses.


However, I’m not a big fan of four lane digital tracks. What I love about digital is the realism and real tracks (even ovals) don’t have four ‘grooves’. A two lane digital track means you can get held up by slower cars (and must overtake), you can also take a racing line, swapping from outside to inside and back again. With four lanes, it takes three lane changes to move from outside to inside and it means (like on your oval) that the lane changers are rarely where they need to be to overtake (ie in a deceleration zone). A lane changer in the middle of a straight means you must slow slightly to change and that ruins your overtaking manoeuvre. The pit exit pieces also slow the car a little, so that leaves only two lanes as fast racing lanes, but with lane changers in the wrong places.


What I think is useful on a fast digital oval is a slow inside ‘pitting’ lane. This takes slowing (and accelerating) cars out of the fast racing lanes. So maybe start the third lane just before turn 3 and rejoin just before the powerbase - as it is at the moment. One last comment is that positioning of lane changers can really improve the racing and limit frustration. If successive changers (and pit entries) are too close, the danger is that one lane change will inadvertently lead to another or if you press too soon, you’ll catch the previous changer. This can be really frustrating! It can mean you then press too late and miss the changer. This is particularly important with a pit stop. With your pit entry, your changers are too close - I can see all those scenarios happening. Personally, I’d aim to leave at least three straights between changers (including pit entries) in a fast section, maybe two in a slow section. Taking changers out of the oval, means you can put some in your road course - which you definitely need for overtaking and a satisfying racing line.


I hope those comments are useful.

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  • 2 months later...

to chris_bomicino

I see in your layout that you have a pit lane in "reverse" where you get a "single lane chicane". Before, here, I forget who wrote, "you can't have a single lane chicane".  Tested all 4 pit lanes and all 4 straight lane changers also when I got them - no problems.  I shorted out when I tried the single lane chicane as "Scalextric suggested pit lane layouts". I tried this before reading about how it doesn't work. I dropped the ideas. 

Do you have this working in your layout? And how do you do it?


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The problem with ARC PRO and 2-into-1 chicanes is that you cannot allow the two primary lanes from the powerbase to reduce to a single lane as this causes the powerbase to overload. Technically the two primary lanes through the ARC PRO power base are wired with opposite digital polarities.


The layouts shown above expand the two primary lanes out to four lanes, and the 2-into-1 chicanes then reduce back to just the two primary lanes... so that all looks fine. The issue would occur only if the 2-into-1 chicanes were used directly to connect together (electrically bridging) the two primary lanes...


Hope that helps...



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