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Help - What Power Supply


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My son has Demolition Derby kit (1:32) purchase about 4 years ago and love it. Unfortunately, his transformer lead has bent and broken. I've looked up what transformer to purchase as a replacement and it states P9400. However, under the product description it states its not to be used for Standard track. Can someone let me know what transformer I need to buy to be compatible with my son's kit, as I'm buying him extension track as he love it so much. Preferably with a link to the product, that would be great. 



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I had written a longer response but the Internet ate it.,.,.

I am guessing you have the older power supply like this one:


The P9400 is for the newer powerbases. The only difference is the plug/jack that goes into the powerbase. The power they output is pretty much the same.

You could just get the cord repaired. That would be easiest..

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