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Hi Everyone,

I'm in the middle of creating a micro layout that I want to use to test ideas that, if work, would be used on my larger layout. One of the ideas is to install TT300 point motors so I have bought one for the micro layout and am ready

to install it. I was wondering if any of you have used this point motor with the Elite because I need some advice. The instructions are very good for wiring it up to the layout but all they say is collect D1 and D2 to your DCC controller. Unfortunately I've

never connected a point motor to the Elite so I'm not sure which connection it should go to. Do I connect it up to the main pair of connectors that connect to the track or do I connect them up to the Auxillary connection.

I think the Elite manual is

very lacking in explaining how to connect the Elite up to accessories decoders. It tells a person how to connect the Elite up to the track but there is no mention of how to connect accessories up and also there is no explanation of what the Aux Output connection

is for.

Regards, Tim
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The Elite is connected to the track via a simple connection to each rail. There is also the ability to connect to a dedicated programming track - see TT300 link later.

The DCC commands for both locos and points (if installed) are sent via

this connection and the various loco and/or accesssory decoders listen for and act upon commands from the Elite.

Please see this link http://www.modelrailforum.com/forums/index.php?autocom=custom&page=TT300-Point-Motor , which indicates to me that there

is only a 2 wire connection on this device and that would be to the track.

This 2 wire link works just like a loco decoder in that it listens for and acts upon commands addressed to its unique ID.

I hope this helps, Rob
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Thank you for your reply - it now makes perfect sense. It does not matter if it is a loco decoder or accessory decoder as they are all listening out for their "callsign" and when they hear it they carry out the instructions given.

So what would the Aux Output on the Elite be used for?

Regards, Tim
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The Aux Output (which is dc) could be used for Layout lighting - it would be ideal for home-made LED setups. 'Off-the-shelf' LED strips are usually designed for 10 or and would therefore REQUIRE an additional series resistor (or a couple of extra LED).

fact, 2 '12V strips' in series (NOT parallel) might well give the required lighting level. If you are not yet famiiar with using LEDs, then you could start with the Hirnby Skaledale (Bulb-based) lighting sets ... and change them to LEd in years to come.
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