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Sudden Elite Controller price increase?


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i am saving up for the hornby digital elite controller, and was expecting it to be about £160-£180 (its cheaper on amazon) so when it suddenly went up to £200 (amazon) i was confused why the sudden increase, so i checked here and the rrp has gone up to

but why are hornby suddenly charging more? does anyone know?

Side Note - you would have thought they learnt from live steam about hefty prices...
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The minimum wage has increased in China. They are also restricting the export of the special metals electrical components are made from which also puts up prices.
Amazon aren't the cheapest btw. You can find them a lot cheaper (£159.99)from other reputable

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ah ok thanks for the info. the cheapest i have found it now is £175, where did you find it for £159.99?
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You might be able to find it cheaper, but what do you know about the shop? The price I showed was from a shop that I've known about for a long time. There's another shop on that list that I wouldn't touch with 20 barge poles connected with Kapton Tape.
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I bought mine some years ago, when they first came out, on a famous online site for about £105 including postage. I've noticed these massively increasing "Chinese" prices over the last few years. Is it perhaps time to bring production back to Margate?
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Some online shops sell packages which include the elite and several decoders for almost less than the RRP of the elite alone. That's where I got mine from and I got 8 loco and 2 accesory decoder with it. Very good if you have many locos to convert.
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You could make a tidy profit on Ebay with your £105 elitw now fetching arround £130
sedcond hand.
Personaly I decided to play safe and buy a brand new one for £159 from a reputable supplier.
Still a good spec machine for price imho.especially

if you install the upgrade,though the hike to £219 would have put me off!
I don't entirely fall for all these price rise excuses.
Sooner or later people will simply not pay
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